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Makah NALEMP Program and Accomplishments: Past Military Use
References Definitions and Acronyms Links Past Military Use of the Makah Reservation Tatoosh (Cape Flattery) Lighthouse, 1877 The U.S. ... from the Tribe for an Air Force Station (AFS) in 1942. The Makah AFS was first under the jurisdiction of the Army, then ... .S. Army and Navy personnel were stationed at the Makah AFS during the war. The Makah AFS, which was a radar and communications facility staffed ...
Makah NALEMP Program and Accomplishments: Site Photos and History
Makah Air Force Station (Sites 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, and 16) In the 1950s, the USAF leased 106.6 acres of Tribal land for the Makah AFS ... AFS. An early warning radar station was built at the top of the peak. Later, the Air Force leased more Tribal land; at the time of its closure in 1988, the Makah AFS occupied approximately 255 acres of Tribal land (Radian, 1987). The Makah Air ...