lungless salamanders

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Plethodontidae (Gray, 1850) Lungless Salamanders
Plethodontidae (Gray, 1850) Lungless Salamanders Plethodontidae is the largest, and most diverse of the ten caudate families. The lungless salamanders ...

NEARMI | NE Amphibian Species
I. Order Caudata (Salamanders) Seven families in the Order Caudata are found in the Northeast (Petranka 1998). The family Plethodontidae (lungless salamanders) is the most species- ... Virginia. The longevity of salamanders varies from 1 to 30 years (Flower 1925). A. Aquatic Salamanders 1. River and Stream (Lotic) Salamanders Large fully aquatic salamanders (Cryptobranchus, Necturus) are ...

EDGE of Existence :: Evolutionarily Distinct & Globally Endangered
Chinese giant salamander and axolotl are relatively well known, but others, such as the lungless salamanders of Central America, the worm-like Sagalla caecilian, and the mouth brooding Chile Darwin frogs ...

EDGE of Existence :: Chinese Giant Salamander
Lungless salamanders, as the name suggests, do not have lungs but instead breathe through their skin and mouth lining They are able to drop their tails as a defence mechanism. The lungless ... field surveys for the 20 Mexican lungless salamander species on the EDGE Amphibian top 100 list, half of which are feared to be extinct. The lungless salamanders (or Plethodontidae) constitute the largest and ... More from this site

Georgia Wildlife Federation
Salamanders Order Caudata Mole Salamanders (Family Ambystomatidae) Flatwoods Salamander Ambystoma cingulatum threatened Spotted ... Amphiuma pholeter rare Hellbender (Family Cryptobranchidae) Hellbender Cryptobranchus alleganiensis rare Lungless Salamanders (Family Plethodontidae) Green Salamander Aneides aeneus rare Seepage Salamander Desmognathus ...

It feeds on insects, worms, small fish and crayfish. Eurycea longicauda Longtail Salamander: This lungless salamander attains adult sizes of four to just over six inches. Most of this ... invertebrates. Desmognathus fuscus fuscus Northern Dusky Salamander: The northern dusky is a member of the lungless salamanders. Its average adult size is 2 ½ - 4 ½ inches. This salamander is tan or dark brown ...

Caudata (salamanders, newts, amphiuma, mudpuppies, waterdogs, sirens)
Introduction to the amphibian order Caudata (or Urodela), salamanders. The order Caudata, in the Class Amphibia, is comprised of salamanders, newts, sirens, amphiuma, waterdogs, and mudpuppies. The ... often to reflect new and redefined species. The largest caudate group is the lungless salamanders, family Plethodontidae, which comprises more than half of all known caudate species. ...

San Diego Zoo's Animal Bytes: Salamander & Newt
Commonly called lungless salamanders, they breathe through their skin and the thin membranes in the mouth and throat. All wet! Newts usually have dry, warty skin and salamanders have smooth ... in water. Lungless salamanders have eggs that hatch directly into small salamanders, skipping the larval stage entirely! Bringing up baby Most salamander species hatch from eggs. Female salamanders that live ...

Georgia Wildlife Federation
The Pigeon Mountain salamander belongs to the "lungless" salamander family, Plethodontidae. Amphibians as a whole have three methods of breathing: with ... (cutaneously). Most amphibians employ a combination of these breathing processes; however, Pigeon Mountain salamanders and other members of its family breathe exclusively through their skin. Despite the ... Reptiles and Amphibians
Arment @ 9:00 PM 0 Comments Thursday, May 22, 2008 Silvery Salamanders Some info here on the strange genetic history of the silvery ... by Chad Arment @ 12:30 PM 0 Comments Monday, April 7, 2008 Lungless Frog A rare aquatic frog, Barbourula kalimantanensis, from Borneo has been confirmed as the only known (so far) lungless frog. The frog "lives in cold, fast-flowing water, they noted ...

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