lowland rain forests

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Results 1 - 10 from 58 for lowland rain forests in 0.204 sec.

ITEC Faculty
He continued his tropical work in the lowland rain forests of Costa Rica where he has collected extensively ... work on BCI has yielded some interesting finds. He has also collected in the oak forests of Colombia. Recent Publications Buyck, B, and C. L. Ovrebo. 2002. Some interesting Russula species ...

Wolf's Monkey
Wolf's Monkey Quick Facts Range: Congo and Uganda Habitat: Primary and secondary lowland rain forests and swamp forests Lifespan: 20 to 26 years Gestation: 160 to 170 days Offspring: 1, twins are ...

Habitat: Inhabitants of the tropical lowland rain forests, these plants are quite commonly found growing on trunks or branches of medium to large ...

Habitat: In New Guinea the genus is widespread, extending from the lowland rain forests to the forests of the upper montane zone where the species grow in the forest undergrowth in ... More from this site

Emerald Tree Boas Pictures and Information, Pictures, stock photography, Photographs, Snakes, Images, Serpentes, Fine art prints, posters, scientific name, Corallus caninus
Suriname Habitat: Strictly Arboreal. Trees and bushes over bodies of water, swamp and marshes in lowland rain forests African Rock Python Click on any of the thumbnail images below to view an enlarged ... against the green body closely emulates the patterns of sun splotches that penetrate the thick rain forest canopy. As this snake grows older the green slowly becomes darker. This pattern varies ...

WWF - Central Congo Basin Moist Forests - A Global Ecoregion
Eastern Congolian swamp forests; Central Congolian lowland forests. Together with the Northwestern Congolian lowland forests, they comprise the Earth's second largest contiguous rain forest after the ... intact. Although swamp and primary forests dominate, there is a mix of vegetation types, including swamp forests, seasonally flooded forests, lowland rain forests, and forest-grassland mosaics. ...

WWF - Borneo Lowland & Montane Forests - A Global Ecoregion
Where We Work > Ecoregions > Borneo Lowland & Montane Forests Ecoregions About Global Ecoregions List of Ecoregions Maps Protected Areas Borneo Lowland & Montane Forests - A Global Ecoregion Their biodiversity ... Global ecoregion is made up of these terrestrial ecoregions: Borneo lowland rain forests; Borneo montane rain forests. It comprises of a great varierty of habitats including large areas ... More from this site

Tropical forests
Tropical forests include lowland rain forests with annual rainfall over 2000 mm, higher altitude cloud forests and tropical dry, deciduous forests, which have a pronounced wet ... Mountains); Indo-China (Vietnam; West Africa (Sapo National Park); Ecuadorian Choco; dry and lowland forests of Mesoamerica, and the Atlantic forest of South America. Clearance and burning ...

Conservation International - Projects
Madagascar. In the Mantadia Corridor Project, more than 425,000 hectares of standing rain forests are being protected, while another 5,000 hectares of previously degraded land are ... million-hectare watershed of lower montane, lowland, and swamp forests in Papua, Indonesia, with high biodiversity conservation value. Increasing pressure to convert the existing forests to palm oil plantations is ...

Native Lowland Forests
Colouring | Quiz Native Lowland Forests Native Forests | Maps | Resources Lowland forests extend from the coastal forests to around 500m (above sea level) in the North Island, and 300m in the South Island. Lowland forests have high ... to around 20 metres tall. They make a dense layer of foliage that filters rain and sunlight for the plants below. Some examples are tawa, taraire and beech. ...

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