lowland areas

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Results 1 - 10 from 229 for lowland areas in 0.244 sec.

Argument - Water Resources Intervention Possibilities
One can use natural flood plains, lakes or specifically designated lowland areas to take up excess water. These areas, such as the Jingjiang-Polder in Shashi, which was build in 1992 ... difficult for the authorities to devastate the fields and property of people in some rural areas by intentional flooding, just to protect wealthy cities downstream. Especially during the great flood of ...

Water Harvesting Techniques Prevalent In The Indo-Gangetic Plains
The Middle Ganga plain is the transitional zone between the Upper Ganga plain and the ...

SCWP | Zhalong National Nature Reserve | China
Due to the combined effects of low rainfall, high evaporation rate and poor drainage, all lowland areas have become heavily charged with salt, which in some places prevents vegetation from growing. Total ...

Justin P
Migration to these forest margin lands continued as the unemployed moved away from the lowland areas that were unable to absorb the population growth. Poorly defined property rights that are also ... , creating an increase in the demand for labor in the lowland areas. With the high labor mobility, workers came from the upland areas to meet this increased demand, and thus reduced the need ...

Deforestation: Nepal
Nepal's history of floods, but rather in the lowland areas. In fact, studies have shown that during the period of 1965-80 the percent change ... been positive (+1.8%), while the percent change in the Siwaliks and Terai regions (both lowland areas) has been -15.1% and -24.4%, respectively. Still, virtually all the forests in Nepal ... More from this site

Pond educational resource pack - ponds and geography
In lowland areas ponds can only stay full of water where there is impervious rock or clay, an ... amphibians and dragonflies - that depend upon ponds have declined significantly. As well as ponds, other areas of wetland have been lost. The Cornwall Biodiversity Initiative has identified wetlands as Cornwall's ...

DayCreek Journal - September 19, 2004
NW of here. The Root River was out of its banks and flooded the lowland areas along our county road. Luckily, it wasn't enough to do serious damage and Applefest ...

EEK! - Critter Corner - The Snowshoe Hare
The snowshoe hare really likes wooded forests with coniferous trees in lowland areas and places with young aspen trees or spruce and cedar swamps. By day, they rest ...

Lowland Grassland
Lowland Grassland Menu Habitats Habitats Classification The National Vegetation Classification (NVC) Phase 1 Habitat Classification UKBAP Broad Habitats Freshwater classification Protected Areas ...

Lowland Heathland
Lowland Heathland Menu Habitats Habitats Classification The National Vegetation Classification (NVC) Phase 1 Habitat Classification UKBAP Broad Habitats Freshwater classification Protected Areas ... More from this site

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