lower frequency

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Results 1 - 10 from 214 for lower frequency in 0.295 sec.

DPIW - Platypus
Little is known about their sense of smell and ...

ITOPF - About Marine Spills - About HNS
Contact About HNS The volume of chemicals transported by sea is increasing but remains significantly lower than the seaborne trade in oil. In addition recent ITOPF experience shows that spills of ... as loss of cargo oil from a tanker. Consequently chemical spills occur at a much lower frequency than spills of oil. However, the consequence of a chemical spill can be more wide ...

Sounds of the Sea -
Pressure is measured in pascals and amplitude is measured in decibels (dBSPL, dBspl or dB(SPL)). The frequency ... frequency of 3,500 Hz usually sound louder to humans than those with the same amplitude but a much higher or lower frequency ...

Olympic Marmot
They have calls that end at a higher frequency than they start--ascending calls, calls that end at a lower frequency than they start--descending calls, flat calls, and trills. You ...

Hoary Marmot Alarm Calling Factsheet
Trills are a multi-note call: a series of short ... stimuli. While calls that ended at a higher frequency than they started seemed to be more arousing than those calls that ended at a lower frequency, different length calls did not elicit different ... More from this site

General Marine Mammal Information
However, it ... sound pressure level around 220 dB re 1 micropascal at 1 meter, and peak frequency around 130KHz. The human auditory range is canonically 20 Hz to 20KHz by comparison. ...

Puppy Food or Adult Food - When to change?
In a study of 31 dogs...with a high parental frequency of hip dysplasia, it was found that CHD was more frequent, developed earlier, and became ... old, this beneficial effect was still present at that age, as demonstrated by the significantly lower frequency of hip dysplasia in the limit-fed dogs. Our findings confirm what has been suggested ...

Hinterland Who's Who - Bats
Euderma maculatum, which occurs in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia and uses lower-frequency echolocation calls readily audible to most people. Habitat and habits Back to top Bats ... in the illustration). The spotted bat is an interesting exception. Most insects cannot detect its lower-frequency echolocation calls, making these bats much more difficult to detect and evade. In the ...

Chapter 12 Climate: Making Sense and Making Money
In contrast, CO2, H2O, and ozone (O3) absorb heat rays especially well, because ... and therefore don't refreeze as readily. Rising amounts of runoff from high-latitude rivers lower ocean salinity. This can shift currents, including the Gulf Stream, which makes northern Europe abnormally ...

Rainfall Frequency Not Equal to Runoff Frequency
{Precipitation Frequency-Runoff Frequency Relationship in Hydrologic Design, AGU Fall Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 1986}. Are ... has low density suburban development, and there is a golf course in the lower basin near the stream gage. The following "design storm" sequence of hourly rainfall ...

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