Results 1 - 3 from 3 for low risk podocarpus in 0.115 sec.
risk assessments
Plumeria rubra Apocynaceae frangipani Assessment Pacific -5 low risk Podocarpus elatus Podocarpaceae plum pine Assessment Pacific -2 low risk Podocarpus gracilior Podocarpaceae African fern pine Assessment Pacific 0 low risk Podocarpus macrophyllus Podocarpaceae Japanese yes Assessment Pacific -3 low risk ...
East African Wildlife Society - Kenya's forests are disappearing: So What?
Low river flows, and in the longer-term even no-flows, will become more common and prolonged, while the risk of damaging flash floods will ... their signifcance is enourmous. Indigenous trees like camphor Octea usambarensis, cedar Juniperus procera and podo Podocarpus latfolius - the only conifer indigenous to the sourthern half of Africa (above) - are not ...
Mount Kenya - National Geographic Adventure Magazine
Giant podocarpus trees, eight feet thick and draped with moss, stand as evergreen ... had read none of their accounts. As well, rations were dangerously low. Delays on the mountain's lower flanks had used up ... I understand—or rather I experience—why Benuzzi and his companions would risk their lives to escape, knowing they had no choice but to ...