Results 1 - 10 from 210 for low income housing in 0.304 sec.
Homelessness - HUD
HUD Homes Buying Owning Selling Renting Homeless Home improvements HUD homes Fair housing FHA refunds Foreclosure Consumer info Communities About communities Volunteering Organizing Economic ... National Law Center on homelessness and poverty National Low Income Housing Coalition National Alliance to End Homelessness Corporation for Supportive Housing National Coalition for Homeless Vets National ...
Habitat for Humanity launches online advocacy tool to help encourage affordable-housing policies in U.S. Congress -- Habitat for Humanity Int'l
According to the United Nations, nearly 1.6 billion people worldwide live in substandard housing. According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition, in the United States alone 95 million people — nearly one-third of the nation — have housing problems including paying a large percentage of their income for housing ...
Michael Seraphinoff - Friendly Exchange
Vietnam War, to aiding Native Americans in prison, to preserving low-income housing for the poor. With a growing philosophical distaste for competitive exchange, my curiosity was piqued ... arts or knowledge were more equitably distributed than in the West. Jobs were low-paid, but always available. Housing was somewhat crowded, but no one lived on the streets. Food, shelter, ...
Reach Out--individuals using Earth Policy Institute books and research
Plan B. For instance, upgrading low-income housing to make it more energy efficient, including replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescents. The ...
Sourcebook: Paints, Finishes and Adhesives
CSI NUMBERS DEFINITION CONSIDERATIONS COMMERCIAL STATUS IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES GUIDELINES 1) Low VOC Paints Characteristics 2) Low Biocide Finishes 3) Natural Finishes 4) Adhesives RESOURCES PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE COMPONENTS ... 326-5789 Primer from recycled latex, (only available to Green Building members, low-income housing projects, non-profits. NonToxiCA, Inc. 730 Broadway, Suite #1 Dunedin, FL ...
ESB: Affordable Efficiency
Tragically, housing built especially for low-income people often cuts corners on features that save energy. This increases operating cost for occupants and sometimes increases the burden on government-funded, low-income ... btu/hr models in less energy-efficient houses." Collaboration By working with other low-income housing groups, such as Habitat for Humanity, the Network has been able to identify ...
Affordable Housing | Resources | Smart Growth | US EPA
Among the policies and approaches featured are: reuse of vacant properties and land, flexible land use policies, regional fair-share housing agreements, the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, increased affordability through reduced transportation costs, the federal HOPE VI program to construct mixed-income housing, and community ...
Housing: Opening the Door
A Mix of Housing by David Brussat Some insights on our mix of housing ...
California/ Family Electric Rate Assistance Program (FERA) - Families whose household income slightly exceeds the low-income ... to improve the energy efficiency of homes, including attic insulation, weatherstripping, minor housing repairs, and related energy conservation measures. The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP ...
Developing a low income energy conservation & assistance strategy for Ontario
Low Income Cut Off (LICO) values should be used to define low income households. All low income households should be eligible for the rebate, regardless of whether they receive social assistance, live in subsidized housing ...
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