low income families

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Results 1 - 10 from 248 for low income families in 0.310 sec.

WELL - Resource Centre Network for Water, Sanitation and Environmental Health
Scheme. Varsha is a project of Kerala Water Authority to construct rainwater harvesting structures for low income families. The beneficiaries contribute 10% and the government 90% of the total cost. This project is ...

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Use.” Under this law, landowners who enroll in the program are taxed at a very low rate and are therefore able to retain ownership and maintain long-term forest management. This ... program through 2004. WiNR: Some contend that recreation fees serve as deterrents to rural and low-income families to enjoy public lands. Others contend that users should help pay the costs of maintenance ...

Executive Summary: The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
LEAs must permit low-income students to use Title I funds to obtain supplemental educational services from the ... language, literacy, and pre-reading development of preschool-age children, particularly those from low-income families. Recipients will use instructional strategies and professional development drawn from scientifically based reading ...

Exploratorium: Public Programs
Free Wednesdays are an important way for us to provide access to low-income families who might otherwise be unable to visit. Generous support from our corporate partner helps make ...

Habitat for Humanity Int'l
Nearly 3,000 15-second spots urging viewers to get involved in Habitat ... a national advocacy campaign this month to seek policy solutions to make housing accessible for low-income families. Habitat World Magazine Online In response to widespread need, Habitat pursues a variety of housing ...

An update on what's happening in King County government- King County
Wastewater Treatment Division and its Industrial Waste Pretreatment Program. July 9, 2008 Benefiting fish, families and flood protection, Tolt River floodplain project gets under way One of the ... 2008 Housing, treatment and support services increased for veterans and their families, others in need Homeless veterans and low-income families with children are among the people who received housing and ...

New Rules Project - Democratic Energy - Protecting People - Protecting Low Income Consumers
Us Funding commitments for low-income energy programs is a critical component of a sound energy policy. Typically, low-income energy programs are focused on helping families pay their energy bills. In many cases there is also a component of the program that targets energy-efficiency improvements for low-income households. Overall, funding for low income ...

California Interfaith Energy Assistance Project (CIEAP) - High-energy costs have forced many low-income families to choose between paying their utility bills, their rent or mortgage, buying ... for low-income people in seven designated geographic areas, serving nine counties in California/ Family Electric Rate Assistance Program (FERA) - Families whose household income slightly exceeds the low-income ...

Developing a low income energy conservation & assistance strategy for Ontario
Electric and gas utilities should be encouraged to cooperate in determining the design of DSM programs for low income households. The delivery channels ...

Housing, treatment and support services increased for veterans and their families, others in need- King County
Veterans and Human Services Levy Annual Report released Homeless veterans and low-income families with children are among ... traumatic stress disorder and other counseling services for veterans and their families, enhanced programs and services for low-income families with young children, and increased availability for in-home ...

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