Results 1 - 10 from 33 for low elevation riparian in 0.295 sec.
ASM | Mammals of Wyoming
California Myotis Myotis californicus bighorn basin low desert to oak juniper woodlands 428 Small-footed Myotis Myotis ciliolabrum statewide montane ... 58; 953 106 Snowshoe Hare Lepus americanus mountain ranges except for Black Hills high elevation riparian or shrubby habitats X,P 246; 544 White-tailed Jack Rabbit Lepus townsendii statewide ...
Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory : Conservation : Colorado Plateau : Gray
Last year we completed work in piņon-juniper and low-elevation riparian habitats. In piņon-juniper habitat we established and ... low-elevation riparian habitat, we established and conducted 63 one-mile line transects by raft on the Yampa and Green rivers, and 15 kilometers of line transects by foot in riparian ...
NMPIF Wetlands 3
(H. Schwarz pers. comm.) mature, tall, deciduous forest is preferred especially in areas with low ... regimes on low- or ground-nesting riparian birds. Additional species for which monitoring is recommended: Violet-green Swallow Table 2. High Elevation Riparian Woodlands ...
NMPIF Shrublands 1
Dove, Verdin, Cactus Wren, Northern Mockingbird, Bendire's Thrasher, Pyrrhuloxia, Canyon Towhee, House Finch low elevation washes in southwestern New Mexico desert brush and shrub areas, especially with allthorn ... ), the San Andres Mtns. and at Carlsbad Caverns National Park maintain dense arroyo riparian vegetation, especially in areas closely surrounded by canyon walls or hillsides maintain tall, ...
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Riparian Area Loss and Degradation on the Colorado Plateau
Water retained in beaver ponds during periods of low flow support native fish populations ... , and dominating lower elevation riparian systems throughout the region. Its establishment introduces a regime of episodic fire, which researchers believe is uncommon in most native riparian woodlands. Road building, ...
Spring 2003 Trips
Furnace Creek on the third. Hikes will be mostly gentle and at low elevation, below 3500'. I'll have geology maps along for interpretation. Not sure where we'll ... shallow lakes and open flat top hiking, and to Fish Creek, a meandering stream with riparian vegetation. Expect cool temperatures, galloping antelope, soaring hawks and eagles, perhaps a sage grouse or ...
Grizzly Brown Bears damage control techniques
September are scarce, and human recreational use of the same high-elevation areas is increasing. Travel corridors connecting large areas of grizzly habitat to individual ... not frequented by bears. Avoid riparian areas, rough ground, heavy cover, aspen groves, and berry-covered hillsides. In spring and early summer, bears frequent riparian areas, low-elevation flood plains, hillside parks ...
Land Stewardship Resource Centre
In the Rocky Mountains, the Montane sub-region exists only in the low-elevation mountain valleys of the Athabasca, North Saskatchewan, Red Deer and Bow rivers. Another small ... removal of harmful chemicals from the watershed by vegetation along streams and wetlands (called the riparian area). Ecological services that humans often take for granted, include: purification of air and ...
NvWF Places - Red Rock Canyon Plants
Some of these other species are: willow, serviceberry, snowberry, manzanita, sagebrush, black cottonwood ... in the higher elevation, wooded areas of the Spring Mountains. Riparian vegetation is associated with springs, creeks and dry washes. Plants more typical of the riparian type include mesquite, ...
Idaho Rivers United - Conservation and restoration of streams, riparian areas, salmon and steelhead
Mission Board of Directors Staff Profiles Contact Us ... , traveling up to 950 miles and over 6,000 feet in elevation twice during their lifetime. Wild salmon hatch as one-inch fry ... 1962 and 1975. Since the construction of these four high-cost, low-value dams in Eastern Washington, Snake River salmon populations have plummeted. ...
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