lough aims

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A Tale of Two Historic Irish Walled Cities
Graham Fairclough English Heritage Coastal Landscape Management – Lessons Learned from the Strangford Lough Study ...view presentation Dr. Colin Breen Centre for Marine Archaeology UU Coleraine ... Historic landscape and seascape characterisation (HLC) study, which involves 14 partner groups, aims to raise public awareness and encourage understanding and appreciation of the ‘international ...

Infomar- Introduction to Seabed Surveying at the Marine Institute
Plans for 2008 include surveys of Dublin Bay, Carlingford Lough, Donegal Bay & Sligo Bay. INFOMAR will initially focus on 26 ... can be used for example by the aquaculture industry. The programme aims to make the vast amount of data collected available to as wide an audience. Making this information available to the world aims to stimulate research and development of Ireland's 220 million ...

Ireland's Native Woodland Trust - Planting Trees and Conserving Woodlands
Ireland, but was added to the list by British researchers. As part of our aims to conserve the trees of Ireland, we are currently engaged in detailed research to establish ... tree is now found only in Kerry and West Cork, with one isolated locality near Lough Gill in County Sligo, although there is evidence that it was once far more widespread ...

CRC Reef Research Centre
AIMS) 3rd Party Contract CLIMATE CHANGE & CORAL BLEACHING (C4) DR JANICE LOUGH (AIMS) TASK TASK LEADER TASK ASSOCIATE Regional dynamics in the marine climate GBRWHA (C3.1) Dr J Lough (AIMS ...

Water Framework Directive (WFD), which aims to reverse the continuing decline in the quality of Europe ... Waterways Corridor study 2004: Lanesborough to Shannonbridge ( taking in Lough Ree); and Waterways Corridor study 2004: Royal Canal from ... Upper Shannon navigation down to Roosky including the Boyle River, Lough Allen, Lough Key and the Carnadoe waters. ...more Water Corridor ...

Protected sites designations
Birds Acts 1954, were amended to AoSPs under theWildlife and Countryside Act 1981. Designation aims to prevent the disturbance and destruction of the birds for which the area was ... There are three designated MNRs: Lundy Island (in England), Skomer Island (in Wales) and Strangford Lough (in Northern Ireland). Elsewhere, a number of voluntary marine nature reserves (vMNRs) have been established ...