Results 1 - 10 from 156 for logging and road building in 0.309 sec.
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... logging and road building on watersheds and waterways as well as renewable energy topics including: "green" building materials, energy efficient technologies for transportation and alternative residential and commercial architectural designs that utilize green technologies for construction and ...
Endangered Plants: Images
On prairie lands in northern Illinois, northern Iowa, southern Minnesota, and both sourther and western Wisconsin. Leedy's RoserootSedum integrifolium ssp. leedyi Status: Threatened ... and filling of sink holes, grazing and trampling by livestock, human use of habitat for logging and road building, misapplication of pesticides, and collection of the species. Where found: Iowa, New York, Ohio and ...
John Muir Project - Ban roads in federal forests, but go a step further and end logging as well
But not today. Logging and road building have taken an incredibly heavy toll on our nation's forests. Now, the small fraction of America's original forests that remain unlogged and unroaded exist almost ... and the forest canopy cover creates cool, moist conditions. As the federal government's own National Fire Plan observes, such fires are most likely to occur in areas where logging and road building ...
Threatened and Endangered Plants
Where found: Iowa, New York, Ohio, and ... Recovery Plan: No, Draft Only Key Habitat Features: Endemic to dunes and sand beaches of Lakes Huron and Michigan, and two sites on Lake Superior. RANGE MAPS The Nature Conservancy ...
Local Reports -- America's Roadless Areas -- What we've lost and what we stand to lose
Another 75,000 acres, or 19 percent would be open to salvage logging and temporary road construction. Download ... the rule is reversed by the Bush administration, those areas will be opened to logging and road building. Download the full report in PDF format here Oregon The Roadless Area Conservation ...
Nigeria and its Forests
Now that the western forests have almost gone and roads in the east have improved, logging companies are moving eastwards. In 1991, the ... plant life, many endangered animal species live there, including gorillas, leopards, chimpanzees, forest elephants and drill monkeys. Around the park there is a belt of land called the Support ...
Nigeria and its forests
Now that the western forests have almost gone and roads in the east have improved, logging companies are moving eastwards. In 1991, the ... plant life, many endangered animal species live there, including gorillas, leopards, chimpanzees, forest elephants and drill monkeys. Around the park there is a belt of land called the Support ...
Wilderness and Roadless Areas on the Colorado Plateau
RARE II, was completed in 1979. Even after nearly 100 years of widespread commercial use and extensive road-building in the ... forest vegetation by logging and road-building, but few measures of the effects of roads on forest fragmentation are available. This study looks at the importance of roads in delineating and quantifying ...
Contribution of Roads to Forest Fragmentation in the West
Fragmentation affects animal populations in a variety of ways, including decreased species diversity and ...
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National Forests without surveys required in existing laws to protect wildlife habitat, water quality, and other ecological values of our National Forests. - GRAND CANYON: Block the National Park Service and ...
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