Results 1 - 10 from 353 for locally established in 0.507 sec.
South Florida Environments - Introduced Species
Reported species are those recorded with no knowledge of their reproductive status, locally established species are those species known to be breeding but within a limited area (such as an isolated pond), while an established species is ...
The goals of PanEco
How we work To achieve its objectives, PanEco supports locally established partners with the implementation of projects without adopting an active role as an organisation itself ...
Biodiversity Conservation in Britain: Science Replacing
This dilemma is worse since many species may not be locally rare. This is epitomised by the peculiar situation in a reserve in England where grassland ... stronger. This is because the species of temporary habitats are more mobile than those of established habitats, and mobile species will often be more common and widespread. For various British organisms ...
ECO-PROS Invasive Non-Native Species
But many can completely take over and entirely change whole established ecosystems. These are the non-natives that invade an established environment; therefore, they are invasive. Invasive species may be ... natural species and the established habitat. Ornamental exotic plants, flowers and trees, or animals that are brought into an ecosystem may increase the diversity of species locally; but, then the ...
Larry Agran - Local Politics, Global Issues
Context Institute Question: Where does the phrase "think globally, act locally" get interpreted most literally? Answer: In local politics. Municipalities are discovering that they are ... than 100 divested their public funds from firms at work in South Africa. Cities established themselves as nuclear free zones, linked themselves symbolically and economically with cities in Nicaragua, ...
Romania - Leadership Development | IISD
The capacity-building project consisted of five stages: Stage 1: Established the organizational and technical framework of the LA21 projects in the pilot cities. This ... sustainable development to the local level. Following the principle of "thinking globally and acting locally," the LA21 process establishes the bottom-up link between local needs and national trends, ...
New Rules Project - Agriculture - Expanding Local Markets - University Support of Locally Grown Foods
According to CIAS there is "no sure-fire formula for getting a local food initiative established or for sustaining ... Local Rules Banning Corporate Ownership Expanding Local Markets Farmer's Markets University Support of Locally Grown Foods State Rules Agricultural Cooperatives Anti-Price Discrimination Laws Banning Corporate Ownership ...
Start locally
Start locally Start locally R. K. PACHAURI says developing countries must use economic instruments to tackle local environmental problems ... reasonable level of development and the entire architecture for taking effective environmental protection measures is established. They must trace out a lower environmental Kuznets curve; they will only be able to ...
Grassroots - thinking globally, acting locally
Earth Summit into practice in their own areas, making the slogan 'think globally, act locally' a reality. While national governments have often drawn back from the commitments they made ... authorities reveals that: - Seventy per cent are committed to Agenda 21; - Seventy per cent have established internal working groups on Agenda 21 issues; - Fifty-five per cent are preparing sustainable ...
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ALUS Task Force Established in Saskatchewan
It was announced today that an Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS) task force has been established in Saskatchewan to develop an environmental services pilot project. The ALUS pilot project is intended ... is anticipated that the pilot project will be established by the spring of 2007 and will test the feasibility of ALUS as a locally-driven approach to delivering social, economic, and environmental ...
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