Results 1 - 10 from 20 for live nonhuman primates in 0.333 sec.
Lacey Act
United States unless registered as an importer in accordance with applicable provisions of this section. (c) Uses for which nonhuman primates may be imported and distributed. Live nonhuman primates ...
The Jane Goodall Institute
Bear in mind, captive primates can live 50- 60 years. Sharing Your Time & Space: Chimpanzee owners often don’t travel because ... of reach. It is impossible to train chimps to behave exactly like humans. Health Concerns: Nonhuman primates are used frequently in medical research because they are susceptible to many of the same ...
The Jane Goodall Institute
Jane Goodall Testifies On Interstate Transport of Nonhuman Primates During Tuesdays release of the International Conservation Budget, an annual publication that highlights America ... Gombe Stream Research Center have been speculating about how long Gaia's second twin might live. 7/28/2008 — A Twin Succumbs "The situation for Gaia's new twins has ...
The Jane Goodall Institute
How long did Dr. Jane live in Africa? Dr. Jane first traveled to Africa in 1960. ... study chimpanzees? From childhood, Jane wanted to go to Africa to live among animals and write about them. Her family was not wealthy ... began at Gombe, the first record of long-term warfare in nonhuman primates. Do chimpanzees swim? In general chimpanzees do not like to swim ...
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In formulating these guidelines, the working group recognizes that other methods of caring for nonhuman primates and preventing transmission of pathogenic agents from animal to human and from human to ... demonstrated. The working group recognizes that B virus infection may occur in persons not handling live macaques. One case of B virus infection occurred following the person's exposure to ...
Primate Rescue Center | Books
At the PRC we see identical motives for purchasing primates, and similar negative outcomes for the animals. People mistakenly perceive nonhuman primates as children who will never grow up--a permanent source ... his study that ``Someday, animal experimentation will come to an end. I would like to live to see that day.'' If you have ever wanted to acquire a well-informed and ...
Endangered species of apes, monkeys, lemurs and other primates
All 25 primates on the 2004-2006 list are found in the world's biodiversity ... and our closest living relatives, nonhuman primates are important to the health of their surrounding ecosystems. Through the dispersal of seeds and other interactions with their environments, primates help support a wide ...
Primate Rescue Center | Rescues | Petey
Dahlonega Five” chimps who came to live at the PRC in 1997! The Health Department quickly declared the house as being, ... impossible for the average person to provide for the complex social and physical needs of nonhuman primates. Cases like Petey's make it clear that the exotic animal trade is indefensible and ...
New monkey species discovered: the highland mangabey
Adults make a distinctive, loud, low-pitched "honk-bark" call. They live in mountainside trees at elevations of up to 8,000 feet (2,400 meters). Fewer ... exciting discovery demonstrates once again how little we know about our closest living relatives, the nonhuman primates," said Russell Mittermeier, chairman of the Primate Specialist Group of IUCN-The World Conservation Union ...
Primarily Primates - Newsletter Summer 2008
Primates. With your help we can continue proving a safe, handsome, and comforting place for all of our residents to live. Give to Primarily Primates' Annual Fund, and Invest ... In the Future for Rescued Animals As a donor to Primarily Primates, ... of our cargo nets or hammocks - and so would the nonhuman primates! Enclose a note inside your donation envelope to let ...
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