Results 1 - 10 from 39 for lithium ion batteries in 0.296 sec.
DENDRONAUTICS - Future airship designs
Power would be supplied by a mix of lithium ion batteries and generators. Computer aided drawing of "D-7" (777 cubic metres), flight 2007/8 It ...
NREL: NREL Joins with A123Systems to Improve Advanced-Vehicle Batteries
"We're pleased to be working with A123Systems on thermal management of their advanced nanophosphate-based lithium ion batteries," NREL Principal Engineer Ahmad Pesaran said. "Batteries ... of the art of Automotive Class Lithium Ion batteries” said Bart Riley, CTO of A123Systems. The company is developing high power lithium ion batteries with NanophosphateTM cathodes under a ...
The Consumer Recycling Guide: Recycling More Obscure Materials (toxics, batteries, mercury, computers, eyeglasses, foam peanuts)
Lithium Ion (Li-Ion), Recycling Many newer laptop computers and other portable use Nickel Metal Hydride or Lithium-Ion batteries. Battery retailer Power Express will accept reasonable numbers of batteries ...
Batteries | Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) | US EPA
Batteries The Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation (RBRC) , a nonprofit public service organization, targets four kinds of rechargeable batteries for recycling: nickel-cadmium (Ni-CD), nickel metal hydride, lithium ion ...
Dalhousie University - Josef Zwanziger
Zwanziger are materials, like optical glass and the guts of lithium-ion batteries. They´re materials that we rely upon every day, when we pick up the phone ... . "We have a really active effort making new polymer-based materials for lithium-ion batteries", he says, the type of batteries commonly used in laptop computers and cell phones. His research is targeted at ...
EERE News: Remarks at the 2008 Washington Auto Show
Michigan and many sub-suppliers to begin looking at things like lithium-ion batteries has strategic commodities that must enter into the US supply chain to make a difference ...
energyhawk - save money by saving energy — It is surprisingly easy to save money through energy conservation.
Interesting news about about power storage: first, Li-ion (Lithium-ion) batteries like those used in laptop computers are on the verge of drastic improvement, like batteries that wear out after 10 years instead of ...
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Technology, develops technology and IP in the field of ultra fast charging of advanced lithium-ion batteries. Their strength is their knowledge of state-of-the-art energy storage media and super ...
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Sharp will promote further research and development ...
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Sandia researchers purposely damage batteries to see how much abuse they can take - March 31, 2008
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