Results 1 - 10 from 113 for liquid effluent in 0.364 sec.
Wastewater Treatment Glossary F H L M
Flocculation the agglomeration of coagulated particles to form a floc which can settle or ... remove particles or microorganisms of 0·1-5·0 µm size from process and effluent liquids Microorganisms microscopic living creatures; bacteria, protozoa, fungi and algae Microwave disinfection unit equipment ...
Wastewater Treatment Glossary N O P R
... the release of carbon dioxide and energy from organic compounds Oxygen system injects oxygen into liquid effluent; increases aerobic microbial activity and the rate of removal of BOD, COD and ammoniacal ... contactor an aerobic treatment system that rotates plastic media with fixed microbial film alternately through liquid effluent and air to reduce the BOD value © 2006 Oasis Environmental Ltd
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IWWS Specializing in dissolved air separators for all types of industrial ...
Wet Gas Scrubbers for petrochemical industry; features & benefits - Hamon Research-Cottrell
WGS. Treatment includes solids removal to reduce effluent suspended solids content to below required ppm level and then solids dewatering to produce a liquid free cake; and oxidation of the liquid effluent to reduce COD ( ...
MicroSepTec - Homeowners - Conventional vs. MicroSepTec
Next, liquid effluent flows from the tank through the distribution box to the absorption area. Finally, the effluent arrives at the absorption field where it ... water leaves the treatment system through an effluent filter into chamber E which is the Effluent Storage compartment. The effluent filter protects the effluent storage and the dispersal field from solids ...
MicroSepTec - Realtors - Conventional vs. MicroSepTec
Next, liquid effluent flows from the tank through the distribution box to the absorption area. Finally, the effluent arrives at the absorption field where it ... water leaves the treatment system through an effluent filter into chamber E which is the Effluent Storage compartment. The effluent filter protects the effluent storage and the dispersal field from solids ...
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Wet Gas Scrubber for NOx project
NO and NO2 and the stack is clean. No harmful liquid byproducts are generated by the system: the only liquid effluent contains a small amount of soluble salt that is processed by ...
P & I Design Ltd
Adsorption with activated packed beds. VOC low temperature condensation and monitoring. Liquid effluent condition control and monitoring. Waste characterisation supported by laboratory pilot plant trials. Regulatory Advice IPC ...
Water and Liquid Storage Case Studies - Modutank
Liquid Storage Case Studies - Modutank L-Shaped Tank Conforms to Irregular Area* Problem - A major chemical company required 1,000,000 gallons of effluent emergency storage. The only available ... effluent were successfully managed by three 20 ’high and one 15 ’high, free-standing,interconnected ModuStor tanks. Bladder Tanks for Challenging Needs Durable one-piece collapsible tanks for liquid ...
EFFLUENT SLUDGE DEWATERING AJM / Polyfilters Sludge Reduction and Effluent Filtration The massive disposal cost of effluent sludge by tankering, can easily be reduced by separating the sludge into its liquid ... was less than 9 months. CONTINUOUS OPERATION - GYPSUM EFFLUENT A well known International Chemical Company have an effluent treatment plant which incorporates continuous neutralisation of spent ...
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