linebacked cattle breeds

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The Randall Cattle Registry, Inc., The Rare Breed Formerly Known As Randall Lineback Cattle.
Are Randall Cattle "Linebacks"? Randalls are characterized by a colorsided lineback pattern, but are a discreet breed not related to American Lineback cattle or other linebacked cattle breeds. ... linebacked cattle breeds, the breed was officially named "Randall" cattle, dropping the words "Lineback" and "Blue". In revising their "Conservation Priority" list in 2005, The American Livestock Breeds ...

About Randall Cattle. (Formerly Randall Linebacks) Randall History, Breed Characteristics, Breed Conservation.
Physical Characteristics Randall cattle do in fact have a linebacked color pattern as one of their characteristics, but they are a separate breed unrelated to American Linebacks or other linebacked breeds of cattle. The ... of the body being white. (The "lineback" color pattern worn by some other breeds of linebacked cattle tends to have more sharply defined solid areas or color in contrast to the ... More from this site

Randall Cattle, Milk Production on Grass. Acres,USA Magazine article about Randall (Lineback) cattle.
Most Randalls have black markings on a white base, but as ... still be seen among the herd members. Many other individuals show no similarity to modern cattle breeds, leading us to believe that these animals are showing their landrace background. Randalls have not ...