lincoln longwool

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Importation: 1840s Lincoln Sheep A Rare Breed of British Origin Lincoln ewe, 1908 The Lincoln Longwool is the oldest known British longwool and is believed to be ancestral to all the other British longwool breeds. It ... was the principal breed to be used with the Merino to develop the Corriedale. The Lincoln Longwool was eventually replaced by the Romney in New Zealand and today it is reduced to ...

Rare Breeds Trust of Australia: Lost Sheep Breeds
Devon Longwoolled and more recently the Devon and Cornwall Longwool, after amalgamation with another West Country breed. The Devon and Cornwall Longwool produces a lustrous strong wool used in carpet making ... had a reputation for fecundity, far ahead of that of the new Leicester and the Lincoln, popular breeds of the period. The Teeswater greatly improved the early colonial sheep. Surveyor ...

Feral Sheep in New Zealand
On Pitt Island there is a comparatively large flock of about 2-3000 sheep ... . The present sheep are recognised as being quarter to half-bred merino longwool cross with the longwool component variously described as Lincoln, Leicester or Romney. The island was farmed until 1931 when the ...