ligers and tigons

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These traits were inherited from their leopard father. Tigons may also inherit a fascination with water to the distress or confusion of their lioness mother. Ligers and tigons may exhibit conflicts between the social habits of the lion and the ...

Hybrids Involving Leopards and Jaguars
Siegfried and Roy had two spotted lepjags, Ali and Chico, and a black lepjag Sabaka, in their ... be an obstacle to pairing, and since it is known that lions and tigers on the one hand, and leopards and pumas on the other, ... In this Pocock was incorrect as it was subsequently found that female ligers and tigons can produce young when mated to a male tiger or lion.) ... More from this site

OMS Student Created
Remo Lion as a baby. For some more detailed information on Ligers and Tigons Hybridization Ligers and Tigons at Pacific University For some general information on Bengal and ...

Tigers that live in hotter regions have shorter and smoother hair. Black and white color variations are rare. The tigress gives birth to from two to ... tigers and lions are similar anatomically and physiologically. In certain conditions, as when they are kept in zoos, they will hybridize. Their offspring are called "tigons" when the father is a tiger or "ligers ...

Detailed information on hybridisation in big cats. Includes tigons, ligers, leopons and others.
As big cat hybridisations go, this is a relatively common combination, occurring quite often in captivity by accident, and ...

Detailed information on hybridisation in big cats. Includes tigons, ligers, leopons and others.
Includes tigons, ligers, leopons and others. Tigons - Page 1: Description | 2: The Breeding Of Tigons What are tigons?: Tigons are the opposite of ligers and have a tiger father and lioness mother. They may also be referred to as tiglons or tions. The breeding of ligers ... More from this site

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