levels rivaling

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International Botanical Congress Statement on Biodiversity
August, 1999 from through the biodiv-conv list server WORLD'S BIODIVERSITY BECOMING EXTINCT AT LEVELS RIVALING EARTH'S PAST "MASS EXTINCTIONS": International Botanical Congress President Calls for Seven-Point Plan ... world reports that humanity's impact on the earth has increased extinction rates to levels rivaling the five mass extinctions of past geologic history. The paper was released today by ...

GM Rice in Japan
China [1]. Japan is a leading nation in rice research, rivaling China, but with a somewhat different emphasis. Japan has had a very active research program ... lodging in wind and rain. The plant hormone gibberellin controls plant height, and reducing hormone levels will reduce plant height. Dwarf rice was created by incorporating the gene for an enzyme ...

Eurasian lynx
Spanish lynx. They also tend to be more reddish in their base coat color ... is available and more pressure is exerted in times of high fur prices. Russian harvest levels vary from 2,000-5,800 annually. The high occurred in 1956 and again in ...

ecotourism blog
Gorgona lives a lizard with brilliant blue skin, rivaling the color of the sky. Anolis gorgonae, or the blue ... 130 million years. This stability produces some of the highest levels of biodiversity on Earth: more than 350 species of birds, ...