Results 1 - 10 from 51 for legal immigrants in 0.427 sec.
Message from the President of the Great Lakes Sport Fishing Council
The U.S. Border Patrol on Aug. 12, 1998 discovered nine bodies of illegal immigrants along the south California border. Their bodies had been mummified from exposure to the sun ...
Consequences (vol. 1, No.2) - Global and U.S. National Population Trends
U.S. is highly directed toward but six of the 50 states (California, with 261,000 legal immigrants in 1993; ... migration to other parts of the country while gaining 260,000 immigrants from abroad. The South gained 471,000 migrants from the ... opposite is true in the South and West, in part because immigrants to the U.S. have generally higher fertility rates. This means, ...
EcoFuture™ Population and Sustainability - Quick Facts
Each year our nation adds 3 million people (including legal immigrants) to its population, plus an estimated 400,000 illegal immigrants. Increasing U.S. and global population will place restrictions on ...
Minnesota Immigration Poll
Yes (2) No 2.) What should be done with illegal immigrants? (1) Let them stay. ( ... congress should give amnesty to any group or groups of illegal immigrants now living in the U.S.? (1) Yes (2) No Poll ... " position in Rochester may be due to the large number of immigrants in the area. Further investigation would be required to determine the ...
Negative Population Growth
Donald Mann, President of Negative Population Growth, said today that the massive numbers of new legal immigrants that would be permitted into the U.S. in the next two decades under the ... illegals (and probably millions more), plus millions of their family members, then another 47 million legal immigrants in the next 20 years. Senators know full well that their states, cities and communities ...
Negative Population Growth
Mann cited the fact that "almost all members of Congress – including most of the ... issue important to NPG is that new legislation cannot create "massive new openings for new 'legal' immigrants and 'guest-workers' to bring in their extended families." Such lax legislation would "greatly ...
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Pirate Utopias (Do or Die)
Spanish had plundered from the Native Americans. In wartime this raiding would be legitimised as legal privateering but the rest of the time it was simply piracy with state-sponsorship (or ... indentured servants and the African slave trade was that in theory the slavery of these immigrants was not considered eternal and hereditary. However, many were tricked and their contracts extended indefinitely ...
The Environmental Forum of Marin - External Links
Coast Miwok Indians thousands of years ago, and temporarily housed Asian immigrants to the United States during the early twentieth century. Asthma Education and Resource Council ... by monitoring rare plants, acting to save endangered areas through publicity and, on occasion, legal action, setting policies and guidelines on conservation issues, providing expert testimony to government bodies ...
The right to be poor – and to thrive
Poor people would love meaningful ... so dumbed down by toxic food, fluoridated water, radiation, nonstop propaganda and no end of legal and illegal drugs that wages and healthcare benefits are allowed to steadily diminish. The standard ...
Goodbye to American Dreamland / Congress receives testimony quoting Jan Lundberg
Well over three quarters of the growth is from immigration and immigrants' higher birth rates. Half of immigration is legal due to Congress's approving high quotas to suit the corporations' agenda ...
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