laterally flattened tail

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Coloration: Gray to brownish ...

Muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus, control and management
(Fig. 2), and its laterally flattened tail is almost as long as its body. The muskrat has a ... glands found beneath the skin at the ventral base of the tail in both sexes. These musk glands are used during the breeding ... incisors and enables the muskrat to gnaw while submerged. With its tail used as a rudder and its partially webbed hind feet propelling ...

Their laterally flattened tail is unique to muskrats; no other rodents have it ...

Predator Conservation Trust: Cheetah information
Long legs for large strides at high speed Flexible spine to allow for long strides Laterally flattened tail that is used as a rudder at high speed Enlarged liver, heart, lungs and vascular ...

Preliminary study of the behavior and ecology of Jackson's chameleons of Maui, Hawaii
The tail accounts for about half of the animal's length; it is prehensile and often curled in a laterally-flattened coil as the ... approximately the length of their own body. The tip of the prehensile tail often acted as an anchor on a branch to steady the ... sun, often tilting the body to gain maximum lateral exposure. Even the tail was placed on the sunny side of the branch and curled ...

ASM | Mammals of Illinois
Muskrat Ondatra zibethicus common statewide 1162 141 tail flattened laterally Marsh rice rat Oryzomys palustris threatened southern 1/5 252 176 live in wet ... Nutria Myocastor coypus possible occurrence 1019 398 this introduced animal has a round tail; may cause damage to agriculture and wildlife Sciuridae Southern flying squirrel Glacomys volans ...

Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department
These characteristics, plus the slender blade-like snout, coupled with 18-25 dorso-laterally flattened and broadened rostral ... 2.5 feet (0.5-0.8 m) in total length, and are probably born tail-first. The saw teeth of young sawfish do not fully erupt, and are also covered ...

ASM | Mammals of Ohio
Molossidae Brazilian free-tailed bat Tadarida baziliensis accidental southwest 1/4 729 331 tail not enclosed by membrane Vespertilionidae Big brown bat Eptesicus fuscus common statewide 39(C ... 75 found across Ohio River in Kentucky Muskrat Ondatra zibethicus common statewide 1162 141 tail flattened laterally Marsh rice rat Oryzomys palustris extirpated southwest 1/4 252 176 archaeological digs ...

ETI - Turtles of the World: Pelomedusa subrufa example
African helmeted turtle Recognition The brown to olive carapace is oval, broad, and rather flattened dorsally; most individuals are under 20 cm in carapace length, but Loveridge (1941) recorded ... a longitudinal seam. These are followed by a large frontal scale laterally bordered by two temporal scales. Neck, limbs, and tail are gray brown to olive dorsally or anteriorly, but yellowish ...

Manatee Brain
Supination, and pronation limited Absence of hindlimbs. Tail modified into dorsoventrally flattened fluke Proboscis specialized into lateral lip portions Upper palate ribbed and hard ... ear cavity, housing the ossicles) is defined by broad soft-tissue walls interiorly and laterally and by bony walls superiorly and medially. Middle ear cavity large and line ...