late eighties

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Results 1 - 10 from 35 for late eighties in 0.228 sec.

Baloch Cheetah Survey 1
Karachi—Hyderabad highway till as recently as the late seventies. Even now there are reports of sightings, especially in the ... are the same Mountains that were full of Leopards till the late eighties. Another strange phenomenon was that there was a total absence of ... We also went and camped there for four days in the eighties, but failed to locate a route that would take us to ...

HOLIVAR 2006 :: Panel Discussion
During the mid-eighties Chris lead a team to create and commercialise large-scale scientific computers. In the late eighties he ran BP’s exploration computing activities. During ...

FMI - International Relations - International relations - European Cooperation
In the mid eighties, FMI started a deep involvement in EUROTRAC, a major umbrella ... participation of FMI to EU research framework programmes in the late eighties. At the same time, the discovery of the ozone hole ... -projects even before Finland adhesion to EU already in the late eighties and early nineties. Political changes in Europe and Finland's ...

Dedicate an acre
Peter Wilson /Plantlife Plantlife has been saving fragile habitats since we were founded in the late eighties. We now have over 4,500 acres of reserves protected across England, Scotland and Wales ... : coppicing trees to ensure that sunlight reaches the woodland floor, taking a hay crop in late summer and grazing animals over the winter. Plantlife has 23 reserves, and each can cost ...

Towards Modern, Scalable Email Facilities
Quite a few things have changed in the 12+ past years: in the late eighties it was rare to find a user with a mailbox of size over 200KB, now ...

Boycott Woodchipping Campaign, Amcor Corporate Profile
Australia. Re-Right, the first recycled stationery paper, was also launched in 1989. In the late eighties, Kimberly Clark's operation was also expanding. A $100 million dollar machine was added to ... ten distribution centres for its corrugated boxes and its paper and plastic packaging materials. In late 1989 a bitter price war broke out with the end result being Smorgon closing down ...

LIPU-UK -> Working in Britain for Birds in Italy - Ali Notizie June 1999
It overwinters in Madagascar and in late spring it comes to breed in the Mediterranean region. The world population is estimated to ... him on 01376 551950. CALABRIA ANTI-POACHING CAMP 1999 Robert Gifford It was during the late eighties that I first became aware of the illegal shooting of raptors which takes place in ...

Alliance For a Living Ocean Trustees
SIMS/SIMS2000 system. "I joined ALO in the late eighties, when as a lifeguard in Holgate, I saw syringes and other types of medical waste ...

Michigan. This document, originally published in the late eighties (first edition) then in 1992 (second edition), is a comprehensive resource for citizens working to ...

Boycott Woodchipping Campaign, Boral Corporate Profile
Forest Practices Code The Forest Practices Code was introduced in Tasmania in the late 'eighties as an attempt by government and industry to place some constraints on environmental damage caused ...

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