Results 1 - 8 from 8 for lar gibbon in 0.251 sec.
V Mentawi Islands Gibbons Hylobates pileatus Pileated gibbon E Thailand Gibbons Hylobates muelleri Mueller's gibbon Gibbons Hylobates moloch Moloch gibbon E Indonesia Gibbons Hylobates agilis Agile gibbon Gibbons Hylobates lar Lar gibbon ...
The Monkey House
Sabola the Chimp from Wild Republic, a large Lar Gibbon from Zoology 101, a Lar Gibbon Magnet Mate sitting in the large one's ... large Humboldts Woolly Monkey from Zoology 101, a little White Handed Gibbon Magnet Mate from Ganz and at far right is Bonsai ... at Jeannie's Cottage. These include the gorilla, chimpanzee, orangutan, gibbon and siamang. There are many different kinds of monkeys living ...
Hybrid Primates
Gibbons were mis-identified. For example, some collections could not distinguish between Javan Gibbons, Lar Gibbons or Hoolocks and their supposedly pure breeding pairs were mixed pairs or hybrids ... hybridization in captive Gibbons. Hybrids also occur in wild Gibbons where the ranges overlap. Gibbon/Siamang hybrids have occurred in captivity - a female Siamang produced hybrid "Siabon" offspring on ...
Monkey Maddness
ET | 9 / 9 / 95 - 8 / 31 / 97 He was a white handed common lar gibbon (blonde gibbon). He touched so many lives with his dark eyes and loving ways. If you have ...
Monkey Maddness
ET | 9 / 9 / 95 - 8 / 31 / 97 He was a white handed common lar gibbon (blonde gibbon). He touched so many lives with his dark eyes and loving ways. If you have ...
More from this site
Helarctos malayanus Malayan honey bear 16. Hylobates agilis Agile gibbon 17. Hylobates lar White-handed gibbon 18. Hylobates syndactylus Siamang 19. Nasalis larvatus Proboscis monkey 20. Neofelis ... cat 6. Felis viverrina Fishing cat 7. Geomyda spinosa 8. Hylobates muelleri Grey gibbon 9. Hylobates lepidus Grey-cheeked flying . squirrel 10. Ichtyophaga ichtyaetus Grey-headed fishing . ...
Living Primates
Pygmy low loris Perodicticus (Perodicticus potto) Potto gibbon Arctocebus (Arctocebus calabarensis) Angwantibo Galago (Galago alleni) Allen ... gibbon (Hylobates concolor) Crested gibbon (Hylobates hoolock) Hoolock gibbon (Hylobates klossii) Kloss's gibbon (Hylobates lar) Common gibbon (Hylobates moloch) Javan gibbon (Hylobates muelleri) Muller's gibbon (Hylobates pileatus) Pileated gibbon ...
Caribbean Gardens, Naples, Florida
Cephalophus silvicultor Fossa (on exhibit in July 2008) Cryptoprocta ferox Gila monster Heloderma suspectum Gibbon, white-handed Hylobates lar Hawk, Red-shouldered Buteo lineatus Hedgehog, African Atelerix albiventris Hyena, Spotted (laughing) Crocuta ...
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