land and ocean precipitation

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Results 1 - 10 from 124 for land and ocean precipitation in 0.469 sec.

Datasets/Global precipitation
Tropical Land and Ocean Precipitation A monthly blended land and ocean precipitation data set ... land & ocean) should be viewed and copied as this contains details about the data set, the data format and conditions of use. Acknowledgements and Further Information Once any of these precipitation ...

Freshwater Website: Informational Resources and Services (Glossary)
Regions of interaction between rivers and nearshore ocean waters, where tidal action and river flow create a mixing of fresh water and ... filling a surface depression, usually smaller than a lake. precipitation - Water falling, in a liquid or solid state, from the atmosphere to a land or water surface. R rain - Water falling to ...

Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis
Land and Oceans Land-surface air temperature Sea surface temperature and ocean air temperature Land and sea combined Are the land and ocean ... Precipitation and Atmospheric Moisture Changed? 2.5.1 Background 2.5.2 Changes in Precipitation and Related Variables Land Palaeo-drought Ocean ...

Consequences (vol. 1, No. 1) - America's Water Supply: Status and Prospects for the Future
Two-thirds of the precipitation is quickly evaporated and transpired back to the atmosphere; the remaining one-third flows into the nation's lakes, rivers, groundwater reservoirs, and eventually to the ocean ... climate. Changes in land use and land cover can affect atmospheric circulation and the movement of moisture locally. Evaporation from neighboring states, which depends on land use, can ...

Planetary Ejections and Cratering
Northern Hemisphere. However, more land is in that hemisphere and the force of erosion may have obscured the ... like Earth rocks, isotope (D/H) ratios are like ocean water, and the escape speed for the particles to be ejected beyond ... atmosphere, and climate was affected by its presence. There were reports of a black rain, typical of carbon and hydrocarbon precipitation. Carbon and ...

Ocean Crust Geochemistry
The crystalline rocks of the lower ocean crust record the magmatic processes that ... from the Ocean Drilling Program, studies of ophiolites, and dredging programs. Here at MBARI we have developed remotely operated vehicle (ROV) methods that emulate field geology on land. ...

Background - Great Lakes Sensitivity to Climatic Forcing - NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
In this plot of elevation vs age, radiocarbon-dated lake level indicators (olive-colored symbols and lines showing one-sigma uncertainty) and overflow outlets ( ... areas of ice, land and ocean (2), and with the 8.2 cal BP cool event recorded in Greenland ice cores (38) attributed to final drainage of glacial lakes Agassiz and Ojibway (39, ...

Land and Sea
Land and Sea Enviropedia Climate Change Global ... Isobars Measuring Weather Meteorology Monsoons Movement of Air Occluded Fronts Precipitation Pressure Sea Breeze Stability of Air Stratus Clouds Sunshine ... Ocean, where the more usual northeast trade winds are replaced by southwesterlies which bring moist air and a prolonged wet season to India and Southeast Asia. Similar modifications to pressure and ...

Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Humidity Hurricanes Isobars Measuring Weather Meteorology Monsoons Movement of Air Occluded Fronts Precipitation Pressure Sea Breeze Stability of Air Stratus Clouds Sunshine Synoptic Charts ... and cement manufacture. Nevertheless, natural removal processes, such as photosynthesis by land and ocean-dwelling plant species, cannot keep pace with this extra input of man-made carbon dioxide, and ... More from this site

Chapter 12 Climate: Making Sense and Making Money
Hotter air makes the water cycle and the weather machine run faster, which leads to more intense storms and more rainfall. In round numbers, ... ), and more exposed land and oceans. Ice-free oceans, being dark, absorb more solar heat and therefore don't refreeze as readily. Rising amounts of runoff from high-latitude rivers lower ocean salinity. ...

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