Results 1 - 10 from 48 for ladies and gentlemen in 0.804 sec.
WWF - What does WWF do?
And yup - that's a dramatic, grandiose and a possibly pompous statement. But at its ... there for you to see next year, and in 5 years, and 10, and for your children... and for your grandchildren. What's keeping us ... our life on this one, big, beautiful, green and blue orb we call home. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your one, your only, incredibly ...
Incentive Program Launched to Encourage Hydrogen Fuel Nozzles That Meet Industry Standard
With the starter's flag and a command to the drivers, "Ladies and gentlemen: Start our future!" Secretary Tamminen began the road rally shortly ... , US Department of Energy, US Department of Transportation and US Environmental Protection Agency and Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis); and bus transit agencies (AC Transit, Santa Clara Valley ...
Announcement of ecoTRUST fund and carbon capture taskforce by Prime Minister Harper in Edmonton, Alberta
Prime Minister Harper in Edmonton, Alberta 8 March 2007 Premier and Members of the Government of Alberta, Colleagues from the Government of Canada, Ladies and gentlemen, Thank you for that welcome, and thank you, Rona, for ...
Interview with Christopher Castle
Ladies and gentlemen would get together and exchange esoteric information… It turns out there was another group of artists involved in this group, so we all got together and started exhibiting our ... like that. I move along from different things, and I may return, but I’m not doing watercolor and charcoal drawings and music and oil painting and etching all at the same time. I’m ...
Ecotecture | Major Doug Rokke interview | Depleted Uranium Munitions
Ladies and gentlemen, that’s an absolute lie. The health and ... medical directive requires medical care within 24 hours for all individuals who are — direct quote, ladies and gentlemen, "a) being in the midst of smoke exposures, being in the midst of smoke ...
International Conference on Whaling in the North
Atlantic: Economic and Political Perspectives, Reykjavík, 1 March 1997. Opening address by Halldór Ásgrímsson,
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iceland
North Atlantic: Economic and Political Perspectives, Reykjavík, 1 March 1997. Opening address by Halldór Ásgrímsson, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Iceland Ladies and Gentlemen It is an honour to ... rejoin, as the Commission has failed to adhere to its own convention. Ladies and Gentlemen, Clearly, international law and science as well as the modern philosophy of sustainable development are in ...
Ambergris Pathfinder: Books and Monographs
And he asks: "Who would think, then, that such fine ladies and gentlemen should regale themselves with an essence found in ... and tobacco. Askinson, G. W. Perfumes and cosmetics, their preparation and manufacture; A complete and practical treatise for the use of the perfumer and cosmetic manufacturer. Covering the origin and selection of essential oils and ...
Address by Mr. John Gormley, T.D., Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government on the occasion of the Launch of Heritage Week 2007
Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government on the occasion of the Launch of Heritage Week 2007 at Farmleigh Saturday 25 August 2007 Ladies and Gentlemen, I am delighted to ... involved in organising events and encouraging others to become involved demonstrates the pride and interest the public has in our towns and villages, our wildlife and landscapes and our changing sense of ...
Prepared Remarks for Steve Preston Secretary of Housing and Urban Development at the Swearing-in Ceremony HUD Auditorium
Mr. President, for your confidence and trust. I am also thankful to Senators (Chris) Dodd and (Richard) Shelby for their work in expediting my confirmation. Ladies and gentlemen, it is appropriate that we ... to working with you and our partners in the Administration. And I am committed to collaborating in a bipartisan fashion with Congress on the path ahead. Ladies and gentlemen, let's roll up ...
MapCruzin - Remarks by the President and Vice President on 30%
Increase in the Number of TRI Facilities
April 22, 1997 Remarks By The President And Vice President Upon Departure The South Lawn 9:05 A.M. Edt The Vice President: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Of course, as you know, the President is about to depart for North Dakota and the surrounding area to bring some additional help and encouragement and solidarity to the ...
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