Results 1 - 10 from 74 for known terrorist in 0.265 sec.
EarthRights International - ERI Launches New Lawsuit Against Chiquita for Funding, Arming, and Supporting Colombian Terrorists
Chiquita Brands International, Inc., the multi-national produce company, with funding and arming known terrorist organizations in Colombia in order to maintain its profitable control of Colombia’s banana ... Jersey. “To promote its business operations, Chiquita funneled money and guns to a terrorist group that murdered thousands of people and shipped untold amounts of cocaine to the ...
EarthRights International - Doe v. Chiquita Brands International Official Complaint
Chiquita Brands International, Inc., the multi-national produce company, with funding and arming known terrorist organizations in Colombia in order to maintain its profitable control of Colombia’s banana growing ...
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CODEPINK Calls on Cong. Ros-Lehtinen to Condemn Terrorists and Attacks on Free Speech in Her District
CODEPINK members peacefully tried to gather signatures calling on the FBI to arrest a known terrorist, Luis Posada Carriles, who is living freely in Miami. Before the women could even ... involvement in the release from Panamanian jails of four persons involved in terrorist acts, in particular Luis Posada Carriles, a known terrorist who entered our country illegally and who is living openly in ...
The Lowdown on Lockdown (Do or Die)
State "WELCOME TO THE CLAMPDOWN... Constant CCTV surveillance, more police weapons, zero tolerance, dissidents facing terrorist treatment, the new top cop at the Met comes to us direct from Special Branch ... (about half of the 200) who came in sorted affinity groups, we made our presence known to the inmates and some damage was caused. That was the start of a good ...
About ERNS Data
Discharger The legal entity suspected of being responsible for an incident is known as the Discharger. This ...
White House. This report must be ringing alarms throughout Nato." The Pentagon document, known as the Nuclear Posture Review, was leaked as the US lobbied Britain to join an ... to plan for the use of "smaller nuclear weapons" as a more effective deterrent against terrorist attacks. It also calls for cruise missiles to carry nuclear weapons. It is the first ...
So I press on relentlessly: What if your very life is threatened by a terrorist gathering forces to bomb your country and kill your citizens? What about Hitler? "That was ... cannot teach people anything. We can only help them discover it within themselves." Id known the answer all along, as its the very answer that I spend my life ...
MBARI - Marine Operations Policies
The Coast Guard uses MARSEC (Marine Security) levels to set terrorist threat standards for shipping. Normal MARSEC is MARSEC 1 and corresponds to Threat Conditions Green ... the Homer beacon is obligated to replace the unit, even if the deployment location is known, unless an explicit plan for recovery agreed upon by Marine Operations and ROVUC exists in ...
November 2004: Algae Toxin and Taste & Odor “Algal blooms are known to cause major problems and to be a serious threat to the quality of drinking ... -methyl isoborneol. More importantly some species produce toxins which are also considered as possible “terrorist threats.” 40-60% of surface water utilities have experienced taste and odor problems caused ...
Sanctuary Asia - Interviews
Bihar is best known for scams, corruption and inefficiency. Yet you say that Laloo Prasad Yadav can teach India ... of timber and wildlife smuggling. It would also help to counter the growing insurrectionist and terrorist groups who depend on the wildlife trade, narcotics and prostitution for funds. You cannot blame ...
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