known locally

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Results 1 - 10 from 472 for known locally in 0.233 sec.

Falkland Islands Breeding Birds Survey
Relatively little is still known about the distribution of many birds around the Falklands. This ... on the distribution and populations of the 67 bird species known to breed in the Falklands and provide an invaluable comparison ... groups on beaches all around the coast. The long-tailed meadowlark, known locally as a robin, is widespread across both East and West ...

Atlas of Breeding Birds of the Falkland Islands
Known locally as Johnny Rook, the Striated Caracara is one of 75 Falkland species examined in detail ... More from this site

Basic references about natural history & alien species in Hawaii
Hawaii. A two-volume set, "the Manual" (as it is affectionately known locally) includes a key to the native and established non-native flowering plants in Hawaii, as ...

WELL - Resource Centre Network for Water, Sanitation and Environmental Health
They yield 2-3 harvest in one season, which are known locally as and include maize, sorghum and millet. In April 2004 trials for wheat growing commenced ...

Water Innovations: Chile's Camanchaca
Stratocumulus, or layered, clouds do form and a cover of fog, known locally as the camanchaca, often flows inland from offshore. However, the camanchaca and the stratocumulus clouds ... about 450 kilometers north of Santiago in an arid climate zone. This part of Chile, known as Norte Chico, is located between the extremely arid northern desert and the more moderate ...

Brazil's Drought Polygon
Drought Polygon The interior of Brasil's northeastern region is known as the Drought Polygon, an irregular shaped region where people ... irregular, and the interior is covered by a thin scrub forest known locally as the caatinga. The low and variable precipitation drives a ... . In Brasil the sertanejos, the people of the backlands, are known for their perseverance in the face of natural disaster. The ... More from this site

The Ozaukee Washington Land Trust
The OWLT. Known locally as the Fellenz Woods, the 162 acre was purchased by the Land Trust in October ... . Also found in the woodland is a blue heron rookery, one of only about 12 known sites in southeast Wisconsin. On the southern edge of the site is a 15-acre ...

Expected Results
Bog, where 21 ha of invading Scots pine was removed. The New Forest wet grasslands, known locally as “Lawns” are found on poorly drained clays which seasonally flood. They are an ...

Wildlife and countryside conservation promoted by the Northmoor Trust
Tree Visitors to Little Wittenham Nature Reserve Open 365 days a year!! The reserve is known locally as the 'Wittenham Clumps', the hill tops provide spectacular views of the Oxfordshire countryside, Chilterns ...

Plants For A Future - Link
Edit Permaculture Association of Tasmania Umbrella group for Tasmanian permaculture. Site has details of all known tasmanian projects as well a an editible wiki with lisitngs of world wide groups. Country ... Edit Tir Penrhos Isaf We have been working at Penrhos (or Benthros, as it is known locally) since 1986 and been living here since February 1992 when we gained temporary planning permission ...

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