Results 1 - 10 from 167 for kilowatt hours in 0.299 sec.
Science and the Environment Bulletin: Blowin' in the Wind
February, will generate about 1.4 million kilowatt hours of electricity a year—enough for some 250 households. A clean alternative to coal- and ... turbine will generate about 25 per cent of its maximum output. The highest number of kilowatt hours of power will be produced from November to April, when average wind speed is at ...
The Energy Efficient Home
Hours per day but by getting hot water and space heating and ... the rate it uses power to calculate how much in total (kilowatt hours) it uses in a day. Some typical appliances: *A load of ... for heating, washing and spinning, totalling about one third of a kilowatt hour *A small domestic fridge or chest freezer may use 1 ...
Conservation and Efficiency
Replacing frequently used regular light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs can save 200 kilowatt-hours per year. • Raise air conditioner temperature settings by a few degrees and turn it ... €™re away. • People with electric water heaters can save between 200 and 1,400 kilowatt hours per year by fixing leaky taps, insulating their water heater and switching to more efficient ...
Conservation | Energy Office | Florida DEP
Utility Report Card for Schools Thanks ...
RECYCLED PRODUCTS: Paper, Supplies, Other Products
SAVE ENOUGH ENERGY TO LIGHT A 100 WATT LIGHT BULB FOR 4 HOURS. 9 - Every year, Americans throw away enough office and writing paper ... steel saves enough energy to light a 60 watt bulb for 24 hours. Tips for Recycling Precycling is the step before recycling. This is ... by 60 pounds, saves 390 gallons of oil, and conserves 4200 kilowatt hours of energy -- enough to heat a home for half a year. ...
Consequences (vol. 1, No. 1) - America's Water Supply: Status and Prospects for the Future
U.S. electrical power generation. Most of these plants operate ...
Keep Nebraska Beautiful | Used Oil Program
One gallon of used oil can be used to generate 98 kilowatt-hours of electricity according to Santee Cooper utility company that burns used oil in South Carolina ...
White House buildings. The first of these, a large 8.75 peak-kilowatt photovoltaic (PV) system, was installed on the National Park Service maintenance building located in the ... that "the PV array to date has only generated slightly in excess of 1,000 kilowatt-hours." The system was designed so that even if the building has to be partially rebuilt ...
solar electricity
The first thing to do is find out how much electricity (in kilowatt-hours, kWh) you use in a year (check your bills), and think about ways to reduce ...
NRDC: NRDC's Green Offices
NRDC's green offices Currently, NRDC's green offices save over 350,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity each year. This translates to annual pollution reductions of: 450,000 pounds of ... Since beginning the greening of our offices, we've achieved savings of over 2 million kilowatt-hours, or: 5 million pounds of carbon dioxide 35,000 pounds of sulfur dioxide 15,000 ...
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