kill dolphins

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Results 1 - 10 from 103 for kill dolphins in 0.245 sec.

Greenpeace Foundation: Dolphin Alert
Further, the five groups -- despite their professed adherence to the precautionary principle -- now support an intensification of the chasing and capturing of dolphins without ... tuna caught when dolphins were killed outright. Today, as Mexico and other foreign nations continue to kill dolphins, they cannot sell their canned tuna, stained by the blood of dolphins, in ...

Dolphin Safe Labeling.
The Dolphins around our coasts need ... in selling products that have not helped to kill dolphins. The picture of a dead common dolphin is ...

EDGE of Existence :: Yangtze River dolphin
China because they kill dolphins, but which are still widely used along the Yangtze). Other ... strategies for the Yangtze Finless porpoise and other threatened river dolphins. If surviving individuals are found, removal and translocation to a ... and the two other Top 100 EDGE river dolphins - the Ganges and Indus River dolphins. EDGE plans to support a series of ...

International Marine Mammal Project, to stop the slaughter of dolphins and whales. In 1988, EII was responsible for organising the most successful consumer-led ... ‘dolphin-deadly’ labelling standards. For example, several of the Mexican companies that continue to kill dolphins label all of their tuna as ‘Amigo de Delfin’ (dolphin-friendly). Although little ...

Interaction Marine Mammals / Fisheries - Including Tuna-Dolphin
On tuna/dolphins and trapping. The High North News, 1995 Gore and Greenpeace Support "Dolphin Death" Bill. The International Harpoon, 1996 The Politicians are Ready to Kill Dolphins Again. (Advertisement) The New York Times, Tuesday, June 11, 1996 Saving Dolphins...And More: Facing The Challenge. (Advertisement) The ...

Hectors Dolphin Set Nets
Dolphin Protection Hector's Dolphin Set Nets | Map | Protection | Resources Set Nets Kill Dolphins A set net is a type of set net. Nets ... in 1989. Set nets strip coastal waters of marine life. They kill nearly every fish, bird and marine mammal that swims into them ... yellow-eyed penguins, 730 shearwaters, 250 shags and 250 Hector's dolphins were reported drowned in set nets. And lots of drownings are ...

Marine Connection
Safety Nets(c) initiative 'These Fishnet's Don't Kill Dolphins'. Many thanks to the sponsors, also the lovely Ce Ce Sammy & Jason Cundy for hosting ...

SoundNet - Encounters with Dolphins: A Call for Peace Between Species
In the past few decades alone, it has become far more popular to watch dolphins and whales than to kill them in many parts of ... with the dolphins, rather than those who want to protect dolphins from harm. Clearly (and sadly), for dolphins who engage in interspecies interaction, the human species is not the safest option. Dolphins cannot ...

THE DOLPHINS --SYNCHRONICITY-- THE DANCE OF THE DOLPHINS. The perpetual & ecstatic dance of the Dolphins has captivated Humanity since the beginning of recorded history & probably through pre-historic times. The Dolphins ... questions &decisions. To kill a Dolphin is sacrilege & would invoke the wrath of the GORNGE, the feather footed man, the executioner! As long as the Dolphins are still there, the ...

What do you know about these Iraqi dolphins? How tough/territorial are they? How many in their crew? A: The real danger to the dolphins — and I'm talking about all dolphins ... the difference between the friendly and the enemy dolphins. 'Kill them all and let God sort them out' ... .' Regarding the healing power of dolphins, it's bogus. These are victim dolphins that are captured and dragged ...

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