kidney stone

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Part III, Chapter 13, Magnesium Deficiency in the Pathogenesis of Disease, by Dr. Mildred S. Seelig
There was progressive uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation of the kidney mitochondria, a functional abnormality demonstrable also with magnesium deficiency (Vitale et al., 1957b; ... to prevent urolithiasis. There are many other factors that influence susceptibility to stone formation. Only data directly referable to magnesium are considered, briefly, here. It ...

Excerpts from NRC Report: "Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA's Standards"
The effect of low doses of fluoride on kidney and liver enzyme functions in humans needs to be carefully ... fluoride in drinking water.” p258 FLUORIDE’S EFFECTS ON THE KIDNEY: “Human kidneys... concentrate fluoride as much as 50-fold from ... ” p236 “future studies should be directed toward determining whether kidney stone formation is the most sensitive end point on which to base ...

iNSnet - internetwork for sustainability, sustainable development
One more unwanted consequence of global warming may be an increase in cases of kidney stones in areas with rising temperatures, U.S. researchers said on Monday. Kidney stones ...

Calcium (Ca) - Chemical properties, Health and Environmental effects
This fact explains the cave formation, where the lime stone deposits have been in contact with acid waters. The calcium halogenures include phosphorescent fluoride, which ... grams of calcium per day without a medical necessity can lead to the development of kidney stones and sclerosis of kidneys and blood vessels. A lack of calcium is one of ...

National Geographic Adventure Mag.: The best outfitter trips for the new year: Libya
Sahara, the nuclear heat induced mutiny in half the crew and then a kidney stone in one trekker. (Bangs used his satellite phone to arrange a hasty Land Cruiser pickup ...

Health Information Technology
They instantly put me through tests and hospitalized me for a kidney stone that lodged itself in the worst possible spot." "Then we found out we were in ... a hospital room with three doctors standing over me. They told me I had a kidney stone and needed surgery as soon as possible, and then I passed out cold again. The ...

Household Air Pollution
Effects: Irritation to eye, nose, and throat; damage to central nervous system and kidney; increased risk of cancer. Levels in Homes: Preliminary research shows widespread presence of ... Flooring and Decorating Products - cork flooring, wool carpet, cork underlayment, wall treatments, stone and twig tables, stone and twig lamps. EcoBodyWear - natural and organic clothing for infants, children, & ...

Cook CONSUMER HEALTH RESEARCH, INC Fruit - Vegetable Wash FIDDLER'S GREEN FARM Organic Stone Ground Cereals, Pancake & Baking Mixes, Jams, Syrups, Gifts FOREVERGREEN Marine Phytoplankton - Natures ... the development of many of our most common and serious diseases, such as arthritis, kidney damage, schizophrenia, osteoporosis, artherosclerosis, heart disease and cancer. A high protein diet also ...

Copper in Drinking Water - Office of Drinking Water water system management WA State Dept.of Health
Major food sources of copper are shellfish, nuts, grains, leafy vegetables, and stone fruits. Typical sources of copper from food range from less than 2 milligrams (mg.) to ... cases of copper poisoning have led to anemia and to the disruption of liver and kidney functions. Individuals with Wilson’s and Menke’s diseases (genetic disorders resulting in abnormal copper ...

Burck's are claimed to be hard of hearing. One, Bagheera, was reported to be stone deaf. According to Cuneo none of the tigers had any hearing deficit otherwise they could ... reported in the wild. Many captive tigers, and especially white tigers, die of liver or kidney problems caused by poor diet. On good diets they are long-lived - Sheba III, Bagheera ...