Results 1 - 4 from 4 for kerinci seblat national in 0.255 sec.
Sumatran Tiger Reserves and National Parks in detail. Barisan Selatan National Park.
Reserves and National Parks in detail. Barisan Selatan National Park. Barisan Selatan Berbak Gunung Leuser Kerinci Seblat Way Kambas Barisan Selatan Barisan Selatan National Park comprises of 365,000 hectares of ... problem, anti-poaching squads have been set up at Barisan Selatan, Way Kambas and Kerinci Seblat National Parks; these consist of a villager and three forestry officers. Very few arrests ...
Sumatran Tiger Reserves and National Parks in detail. Berbak National Park.
National Parks in detail. Berbak National Park. Barisan Selatan Berbak Gunung Leuser Kerinci Seblat Way Kambas Berbak In recent times Berbak was changed from a game reserve to a national park ... -rich swamp so far recorded. Sumatran Tiger Reserves - Barisan Selatan | Berbak | Gunung Leuser | Kerinci Seblat | Way Kambas Origin | Project Tiger | Releasing Captive Tigers | The Tale Of Tara | Taking ...
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WWF - Sumatran tiger - Population & Distribution
Kerinci Seblat - Bukit Barisan Selatan (Indonesia) landscape, which represents the Sumatran Island Lowland and Montane Forests Global 200 Ecoregion and covers Kerinci Seblat and Bukit Barisan Selatan National Parks. The landscape stretches from Tesso Nilo in Riau to Bukit Tigapuluh, and then from Kerinci Seblat to Bukit ...
The stripe protectors
Sumatra’s national parks and nature reserves. The most important of these areas is the immense Kerinci-Seblat National Park, a World Heritage site covering more ... four major roads through the heart of the national park. These road-building proposals are the greatest threat ever faced by Kerinci-Seblat. If approved, they would almost certainly culminate in ...