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Recent Publications of Interest to the Karst Community
Karst Hydrology Atlas of West Virginia compiles the known dye test and cave survey data from West Virginia so as to describe the current knowledge of the karst drainage basins ... basics of karst hydrology while the second provides detailed results from individual karst drainage basins. The book is illustrated with numerous photographs, charts, diagrams, tables, and maps presenting the karst data ...
Recent Publications of Interest to the Karst Community
Karst Hydrology Atlas of West Virginia compiles the known dye test and cave survey data from West Virginia so as to describe the current knowledge of the karst drainage basins ... basics of karst hydrology while the second provides detailed results from individual karst drainage basins. The book is illustrated with numerous photographs, charts, diagrams, tables, and maps presenting the karst data ...
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Freshwater Website: Groundwater (Always on the move)
Limestone terrain where solution has been very active is termed karst. Porous media such as sandstone may become so highly cemented or recrystallized that all ... drains into streams, rivers, lakes and the oceans. Groundwater flow in the aquifers underlying surface drainage basins, however, does not always mirror the flow of water on the surface. Therefore, groundwater ...
Water Quality: Nutrients and Pesticides
Examples are the Platte River Valley in Colorado and Nebraska, and karst regions within the Susquehanna and Potomac River Basins in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. In contrast, streams are most vulnerable in basins ...
Groundwater Glossary: The Groundwater Foundation
Groundwater basin: The underground area from which groundwater drains. The basins could be separated by geologic or hydrologic boundaries. Groundwater ... or pasture to supplement that supplied by nature. J K Karst: A geologic formation of irregular limestone deposits that dissolve ... lake, reservoir, or other body of water; also called a drainage basin. Water table: The top of an unconfined aquifer; ...
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