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Section Reporter - June 2005 -
Limits Required Contents of Petition in Enforcement and Disciplinary Cases. Judge Cope of the Third District recommended that the Legislature amend the provisions in the APA ... is initiated by the filing of an administrative complaint by the agency.[3] In particular, Judge Cope has suggested that it should be sufficient for the respondent to submit a document ...
"Party on, Babylon - Civilizations do end"
Solidarity gets the goods, as ... in Babylon. I hope it does something for you, too, as we cope with the challenges of living in the modern, unsustainable Babylon. Let me ... not be held in Humboldt County, and there will be a new judge (in San Francisco). To read about this case and assist these activists ...
Brazilian law and a Brazilian judge's order. It did not seem unreasonable, therefore, to expect the ... is necessary to examine the original aims and research questions: Could Flipper cope with being moved to a new environment? Could he adjust to live ... all but one of these questions is an emphatic 'yes.' He could cope with the move, he could catch and adjust to live fish, ... - Section Reporter
Revises Required Contents of Petition in Enforcement and Disciplinary Cases. Chief Judge Gerald Cope of the Third District recommended that the Legislature amend the provisions of the APA governing ...
gauche! Lefty Tips: music, sports, medical, daily life
Ken Farr, CANADA "I am totally left-handed.... I learned to cope, i.e. fishing, just turn the reel upside down and reel backward. I still have ... up right-armed and right-legged. This means when I throw a ball I must judge where two lines (line-of-sight and line-of-throw) must cross at a distance ...
Arminius Vambery: Sketches of Central Asia
The other women and children were ... violence of the climate, and such like obstacles, defy even modern art and science to cope with them. " God," said a central Asiatic to me, "created Turkestan and its inhabitants in ...
(5/12/2002) Bari vs. FBI Trial: Why the Bari Trial is Historic
So what these brothers and ... testified because they were called to the stand by plaintiffs. The judge has ruled that each witness can be called to the ... their witnesses immediately following their testimony in the plaintiffs' case. Judge Wilken said she expects that final arguments and jury instruction ...
Negative Population Growth
Such statistics only reinforce NPG' ... concern for the entire country. In late August, a federal judge ruled that state and federal highway officials must consider population ... an already overcrowded area of this small state. While the judge maintained that the road planners "carefully studied commuter rail before ...
Relocation schemes have generally proved devastating for communities who are unable to cope with such a total change in their way of life. Malaysian government policy to ... government had failed to comply with its own environmental laws in approving the project. The judge declared that Ekran must comply with the 1974 Environmental Quality Act before carrying out work ...
1946-1959, History of the College, College of Forestry, Oregon State University
They were models by which we could judge and shape our won futures. Perhaps one of the most valued ... We had greater confidence in our knowledge and in our ability to cope with the vagaries of nature. The nation was preoccupied with recovery ... mossbacks of our generation have been able to grow and to cope with those changes. Acceptance of change no doubt has been reluctant ...