jomon period

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Ainu: Spirit of a Northern People
Chitose, Hokkaido, and dates from the Final Jomon period (1,000 B.C.). Most Japanese ... Jomon period (3,000-2,000 B.C.) and was found at the Kikyo-2 site. Hakodate, Hokkaido. Effigies of bear, deer, and turtles also date to this period. Kikyo-2 site, Hakodate, Hokkaido Hokkaido Archaeological and Cultural Remains Investigation Center, Sapporo, Hokkaido 2. Ceramic Figurine (Final Jomon) Jomon ...

What's New
Then, we went out to the ruins from the Jomon Period and observed pit dwellings and shell mounds. Standing in front of the remaining pit dwellings ...

WebMuseum: Japanese Prehistory
Japanese Prehistory Japanese Prehistory Jomon and Yayoi Art The first settlers of Japan, the Jomon people (circa 11,000-circa 300 BC), named for the cord markings that decorated the ... a modification of Yayoi culture, attributable either to internal development or external force. In this period diverse groups of people formed political alliances and coalesced into a nation. Typical artifacts are ...