joining iccat

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EJF: ICCAT's fight against the tuna pirates
ICCAT area in a way that undermines ICCAT's conservation rules. Worryingly, this case could lead to other FOC countries trying to take advantage of trade sanctions being lifted simply by joining ICCAT, whereby it will take several years before their products are embargoed again. In fact, the precedent with Panama has led to other FOC countries joining ICCAT, such as ...

International Institute for Sustainable Development - Reporting Services (IISD RS) - What's new on Linkages - Friday, 9 November 2007
Biodiesel in the European Union Cleaner, Greener Cotton: Impacts and Better Management Practices Our Waters: Joining Hands across Borders - First Assessment of Transboundary Rivers, Lakes and Groundwaters in the UNECE ... More IGO News Key meetings in the next two weeks 20th General Meeting of ICCAT: 9-18 November 2007, Antalya, Turkey Workshop on International Exchange of Experience in Underground ...