Results 1 - 10 from 71 for john the baptist in 0.464 sec.
John Muir & I
All these people were going to the mountains, to wild Nature, as part of a process of personal transformation. Muir compared himself with John the Baptist with perfect accuracy. He wanted to convert people to his religion of nature not just on the external level, of winning new converts ...
Healthy Families, Healthy Environment: News Archives
Caesarea Philippi. On the way he asked them, 'Who do people say I am?' They replied, 'Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets ... ask for?" "The head of John the Baptist," she answered. At once the girl hurried in to the king with the request: "I want you to give me right now the head of John the Baptist on a platter." The king was ...
New York '2003 -
Maillol, The River 1943 Auguste Rodin, St. John the Baptist Preaching 1878-80 There is a beautiful building with a fountain in front of it (also a close-up of the fountain) that houses the Ross Lecture Hall and Mertz Library. The walkway ...
For the Sake of Our Children
Egypt. Christ had to spend 40 days in the wilderness to discover his divinity. His mentor was John the Baptist, a man of the wilderness who lived in a cave in the Jordan Valley and dressed in the ...
For the Sake of Our Children
Egypt. Christ had to spend 40 days in the wilderness to discover his divinity. His mentor was John the Baptist, a man of the wilderness who lived in a cave in the Jordan Valley and dressed in the ...
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The SAINT JOHN RIVER "Great Canadian Rivers"
John the Baptist. Of course, Champlain's christening of the river was an act of cultural chauvinism. For the Maliseet, or Wolastoqiyik who had camped along its banks for centuries, the Saint John ...
Mother of the Forest
Montana territory. A politician, he was appointed territorial governor of Montana, but was never seated due to a dispute with President Andrew Johnson. One of his friends called him "the John the Baptist of the National Park idea, crying aloud both in the wilderness and out of it..." Another leader of the Yellowstone trip, a Harvard- ...
Chapel of the Nativity of Christ
Jesus at the winter solstice (in 7 BC). Her much older cousin, Elizabeth, conceived at the autumn equinox and gave birth to John the Baptist at the summer solstice. So, with these two holy figures of the New Testament, we have all four key points of the solar year marked ...
Harvard Divinity Bulletin - John F. Deane Interview - One Irish Poet's
The [biblical] figure that distresses me the most is John the Baptist, who I see as all strict rules and regulations and penance, and the ...
The Tide Coursing Northward Across the Mexican-American Border | Orion magazine
And more and more. Similar developments can be seen in Guerrero, Tlaxcala, and Michoacán. A year after that trip, I attended the St. John the Baptist Day celebration and Mixtec Festival in northern California. I asked the organizer, Héctor Hernández, why the Mixtecs build these giant mansions back ...
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