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IWC diese zu Handen einer unabhängigen auf Ethik spezialisierten Stelle erarbeitet. Dies forderte auch Jim McLay, langjähriger IWC-Delegationsleiter Neuseelands in seinem Referat an whale zone 02: Wissenschaft ist die Aufgaben ...
Marine Mammal Hunts
Seattle Times Magazine, 1995 "There isn't a nutritional need any longer". (Extract of transcript) Jim McLay, New Zealand Commissioner to the IWC on the Makah Indians request to take five grey ...
"There isn't a nutritional need any longer"
Radio in New Zealand, June 26, 1996 "There isn't a nutritional need any longer" - Jim McLay, New Zealand Commissioner to the IWC - Ectract: Presenter: The Indians though for instance - those are ... Washington - they want to kill five. I mean what is five, if it's cultural? Jim McLay: Well it's more than that though. The problem is that under the terms of ...
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Hard to Swallow
Fund for Animal Welfare, undated, distributed in 1995. (3) "The IWC- Wither or Whither?" by Jim McLay, Terra Media World of Whales Exhibition Lecture Series, Auckland Museum, Aug. 21, 1996. (4) Quoted ...
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