java and sumatra

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A stratovolcano also has steep sides with a distinguishing cone shape and is frequently composed of several different vents that erupt lava, sometimes in different ways. ... miles up into the atmosphere and whose explosions could be heard 2,200 miles away. 36,000 people lost their lives on the nearby islands of Java and Sumatra when enormous tsunamis generated by ...

Krakatoa and Ujung Kulon National Park--National Geographic Adventure Photo Gallery
Krakatoa with its notoriety and explosive history," says Westlake, who has a master's degree in maritime geography. Located between Java and Sumatra in the Sunda Strait, Krakatoa's 1883 eruption wreaked havoc for great distances when nearly 11 cubic miles (17.7 cubic kilometers) of ash and rock ...

Volcanoes--Krakatau--Forces of Nature--Science, Maps, Photos, Video (National Geographic)
Before the eruption, this island in the Sunda Straits between Java and Sumatra islands was made up of three stratovolcanoes that had grown together. In the summer ... (37 meters) high and destroyed 165 nearby settlements. All vegetation was stripped bare, structures were demolished, and some 30,000 people were washed out to sea in Java and Sumatra. Krakatau was quiet ... More from this site

List of Fish Species -- Fish Photos :: Phillip Colla Natural History Photography
Chagos Archipelago Synonyms: anemone fish, clown fish 4 Amphiprion ephippium Red Saddleback Anemonefish Range: Eastern Indian Ocean: Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Thailand, Malaysia, and Java and Sumatra ...

WWF - Tigers - Population & Distribution
Malaysia and the Indonesian islands of Bali, Java and Sumatra. They were also found in the Koreas, extending up to the Russian Far East. By the 1980s, tigers on Bali and Java, and those in the Caspian region were extinct. Current Population and ...

WWF - Tiger: species on the edge
Malaysia and the Indonesian islands of Bali, Java and Sumatra. They were also found in the Koreas, extending up to the Russian Far East. But by the 1980s, tigers on Bali and Java, and ... More from this site

The Eternal Threat (Do or Die)
MacArthur and Wilson theory and the increasing number of habitats in a given ... and constantly lose species or will they 'collapse’. To look at what the future may have in store I will look at the islands of Bomeo, Sumatra, Java and ... can of worms here that could well alienate subscribers, funders and supporters and probably the majority of the Western public. If ...

Tsunamis and Life -- The Untold Story Earthquake now bumped up to 9.3 magnitude --, and Sumatra quake shook Earth's total surface -- (AP). Earthquake Leaves "Gravity Scar" on ... is Noted in the Area of the Sumartrian Quake. See the article. Java Tsunami Devastates Resort and Fishing Area. See the NASA Earth Obsevratory article. The Rising Costs of ...

Detailed information on the characteristics of the tiger: Skin and Coats
Pelage colours vary greatly among tigers. In general, northern tigers (Russia, northern China) have lighter coats. Southern tigers (Malaysia and Sumatra) ... conjunction with pug marks and other identifying features (scarring from injuries, ear nicks, etc) to get a firm identification of a cat. Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java(tm). Scientists ...

Hylobatidae : gibbons and siamangs
Hylobates, and approximately 11 species (some authorities recognize a second genus, Symphalangus) . They are found only in the tropical forests of southeastern Asia, including on Sumatra, Borneo, Java, and other islands as well as the mainland. These apes are of medium size (3.9-12.7 kg). They lack tails. Their forearms are remarkably long, and both forefeet and ...

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