japan and norway

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Results 1 - 10 from 442 for japan and norway in 0.307 sec.

Greenpeace Foundation: Dolphin Alert
Japan and Norway for defying the IWC's ban on commercial whaling. The sacrificial altar has become bloodier by the year as fear recedes and the pirates' confidence grows. This year, Japan and Norway will reap record post moratorium harvests of death in the Antarctic "Sanctuary", the North Pacific and North Atlantic... ...

Japan and Norway fume that the whale-protecting nations base their arguments on emotion and sentiment and that decisions about whale hunting must be "science based." To that end, Japan and Norway ...

Associated welfare and whale killing methods
During the past ten years both Japan and Norway have made major improvements in their whale killing technology. This includes advances in the triggering mechanism for the explosive grenades used in the minke whale hunts, and the ...

SoundNet - Whaling - A Bloody Business
(See also ramble on - Badgers and Buttheads and Fish Stocks) Even now Japan and Norway kill over a thousand whales between them every year, and that is when it is banned! ...

The Climate Institute's Publications
Governments of Australia, Japan and Norway, and organized by the Climate Institute, details the possibly profound impacts of greenhouse-induced climate change and sets forth a wide ... Manila in July 1992 and Bangkok in March 1993 - Regional Study team members and officials of participating governments and international agencies discussed common methodologies and strategies. Developed over ...

EIA - The Environmental Investigation Agency: Cetaceans Campaign | Campaign Index
Yet Japan and Norway are aggressively advocating the resumption of full-scale commercial whale hunting and international trade ... to the completion and adoption of the RMS and is seeking an immediate suspension of current commercial whaling operations by Japan and Norway. We strongly advocate the development and progression of ...

EIA - The Environmental Investigation Agency: Cetaceans Campaign | Campaign News
Taiji-five’ – five orcas that were driven into Hatajiri Bay, Taiji, in Japan, and caught alive for so-called ‘academic purposes’. Campaign Update: 1 Nov 06 Iceland's ... 00 CITES Rejects International Trade in Whales Japan and Norway unable to get majority vote on commercial whaling Press Release: 13 May 99 Environmental Investigators expose Japan's over-hunting of Dall's Porpoises ... More from this site

OUTGROWING THE EARTH: The Food Security Challenge in an Age of Falling Water Tables and Rising Temperatures Chapter 3 Moving up the Food Chain Efficiently - Introduction
Among these are Germany, Poland, and China. Densely populated countries with long shorelines, such as Japan and Norway, have turned to the oceans for their animal protein. 1 While we typically focus on the food requirements generated by population growth and the pressure ...

Equity Watch - Global Environmental Government Unit - Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
Unit - Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) March 19th, 2002 A forceful endorsement Kyoto Protocol gets a boost as Japan and eu ratify pact Neelam Singh In a move that is likely to clear the air on the intentions of key signatories, Japan and ... 0.0 % Japan 8.5 % Norway 0.3 % Romania 1.2 % Slovakia 0.4 % Total 35.8% Though 84 nations have signed the protocol and ...

Equity Watch - Global Environmental Government Unit - Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
Japan proposed (re) establishment of forests through natural means as a form of afforestation or reforestation while New Zealand, Australia, Norway and the EU called for distinguishing between natural and ... in place to prevent this. Japan and Australia supported inclusion of additional activities relating to agricultural soils and land use change and forestry activities from first commitment ... More from this site

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