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The Jane Goodall Institute
Man the Toolmaker” Aug 1963 Jane is first published in National Geographic -- "My Life Among Wild Chimpanzees." March 28, 1964 Jane marries wildlife filmmaker and photographer Hugo van ... Jane marries Derek Bryceson, Director of National Parks in Tanzania. May 19, Four Gombe staff members are kidnapped and held for ransom. All four are eventually released. 1977 Jane founds the Jane ...
Printed Matter -- Daphne Du Maurier -- Page
Curiously, Du Maurier never names her heroine. She just becomes "Mrs. de Winter" once she marries. The newlyweds return to his fabulous country estate in Cornwall, Manderley, where their happiness is ... in both England and America. Critics compared the book, usually to "Rebecca's" detriment, to "Jane Eyre." Du Maurier began writing her most famous novel in 1937 when her husband, Tommy ...
Eugene Weekly : Movie Review : 12.01.05
StudioCanal. Focus Features, 2005. PG. 128 minutes. Watching the delightful five-hour television miniseries of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice starring Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth as the warring ... economic realities facing a family of five daughters in particular. Lizzie is shocked when Charlotte marries a boring distant cousin of Mr. Bennett's (Donald Sutherland). Reverend Mr. Collins, played ...