introduced predators

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Iguana Specialist Group (formerly the West Indian Iguana Specialist Group)
(I. delicatissima) is undergoing very rapid decline as a result of habitat loss, competition with introduced goats, predation by exotics, and hybridization with common iguanas (I. iguana). Of the West ... Little Cayman, and it is subject to a variety of threats, particularly habitat loss and introduced predators. Based on recent genetic data, the Grand Cayman iguana has probably existed at an ... - Nature and Outdoor Activities in Nelson Lakes National Park
Rotoiti Nature Recovery Project. This is an area of 825 hectares (1700 acres) where introduced predators are removed and native plants and animals can re-establish themselves. Two short walks allow ...

Nature & Co New Zealand - Forest Birds Hauraki Gulf
Introduced predators such as feral cats and ship rats occur on Great Barrier Island, but it is ... More from this site

Island species are particularly vulnerable to extinction. They lack behavioural avoidance strategies against introduced predators. They do not have the option of escaping the danger and are, therefore, ... controlling Euglandina rosea has been developed the captively reared populations can be re-introduced into their natural habitats once the issue of continued habitat degredation has been resolved ... - National Parks of New Zealand - Nelson Lakes National Park
Red deer, chamois and hares live above the tree line. As elsewhere in New Zealand introduced animals have had a destructive impact on the indigenous flora and fauna. The numbers of ... the Rotoiti Nature Recovery Project. This is an area of 825 hectares (1700 acres) where introduced predators are removed and native plants and animals can re-establish themselves. Two short walks allow ...

2007 IUCN Red List – 2004 Photo Gallery
Nestlings are also preyed upon by Short-eared Owls, feral cats and introduced rats. Photo © Jack Jeffrey Photography. ... alteration, collecting and shooting, introduced predators (e.g., rats, the Indian mongoose) and predation from the native Hawaiian Hawk, and avian malaria and pox carried by introduced mosquitoes have contributed ...

2007 IUCN Red List – Search
List of Threats: 2.2 Invasive alien species (directly affecting the species) - Predators (ongoing) 11 Other (ongoing) Conservation Actions Conservation Actions: A major grant has been received from ... island, and does not provide as many natural retreats as Anegada. In the absence of introduced predators, however, the iguanas appear to do well and reproduce in areas that are free of ... More from this site

EDGE of Existence :: Evolutionarily Distinct & Globally Endangered
European colonisation of Hispaniola, and is a slow clumsy mover, it does not possess many defences against introduced animals. Conservation Required Support this ... was one of the dominant predators on the island. It never evolved any ``anti-predator'' defences and is therefore poorly equipped to defend itself against introduced predators such as dogs, cats ...

Dibbler Parantechinus apicalis - Threatened Species Day 2005 fact sheet
It was introduced to Australia following European settlement in the soil around the roots of live plants ... state's plants and animals, including the Dibbler. The Program does this by controlling introduced predators like foxes, protecting important habitat, and re-introducing captive-bred species into the wild ...

Frogs Australia Network - Introduced Species
Australian native animals and plants, and have few natural predators. Animals that have been introduced to Australia include: Foxes Rabbits Cane Toads Pigs Goats Camels Mice ... prey on native animals. Introduced animals that effect frogs Many introduced animals either eat frogs or destroy their habitats. The main threats include: Introduced fish Introduced fish in Australia include Carp ...

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