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U.S. Global Change Research Information Office
Asian songbirds are host to avian pox and avian malaria. The diseases are transmitted to native birds by introduced mosquitoes, and they have contributed greatly to an almost total elimination of native birds, unique to Hawaii, in lowland forests. Competition Introduced species can compete ...
2007 IUCN Red List – 2004 Photo Gallery
Nestlings are also preyed upon by Short-eared Owls, feral cats and introduced rats. Photo © Jack Jeffrey Photography. ... collecting and shooting, introduced predators (e.g., rats, the Indian mongoose) and predation from the native Hawaiian Hawk, and avian malaria and pox carried by introduced mosquitoes have contributed to the ...
PII Demo Projects
Relation To The Distribution Of Introduced Mosquitoes: Potential Threats To Biodiversity And Community Health, Tonga Mosquitoes Little is known about the distribution and abundance of mosquitoes throughout the Tongan archipelago, ... such as in Tonga, where mosquito vectors and viruses may have been recently introduced. Mosquitoes are also a vector for Dengue fever, a viral infection characterized by ...
peregrine falcon
After World War II, it became especially popular due to its effectiveness against mosquitoes that spread malaria and lice that carried typhus. The World Health Organization estimated that 25 ... primarily cliff dwellers, but will nest in hollow trees as well. Birds that have been introduced into the wild have found suitable homes in cities like Chicago, Illinois and St. Louis ...
Aquatic Animals
Crayfish are not native to Southern California streams and have been introduced inadvertently by fishermen. Crayfish prey on amphibian larvae and are partly responsible for the decline ... fish. Often distributed by Greater Los Angeles Vector Control to help reduce the number of mosquitoes by eating their larvae, these fish also eat amphibian larvae and so reduce the number ...
Insects along the Los Angeles River
Some large dragonflies actually feed on tadpoles and tiny fish. Damselflies are smaller and ... its distinctive markings. Ranges throughout California. Rare in desert regions. Female Cabbage Butterfly, Pieris rapae. Introduced from the Old World over 100 years ago. Feeds on cultivated plants and plants ...
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Canadian Peregrine Foundation - History
DDT, a pesticide introduced following World War II which was used worldwide to kill both crop pests and malaria-carrying mosquitoes. It affected the peregrine (and other birds ...
Peregrine biology - conservation issues
Its other main attraction was that it ... aldrin and dieldrin are believed to have killed many adult Peregrines. These two insecticides were introduced in Britain in 1956, and were widely used to coat seeds to protect them from ...
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Rideau Canal Waterway - History of the Rideau Lockstations - Malaria on the Rideau
These gametocytes fuse in the mosquitoes gut and produce sporozoites, which head into the mosquito's salivary glands, ready to ... it must have been re-introduced each year. Groupings of people, such as in the canal construction camps, certainly helped the spread of the disease, allowing mosquitoes to easily transmit the disease ...
Frogs Australia Network - Introduced Species
The Eastern Gambusia (Plague Minnow) was originally introduced throughout Australia in an unsuccessful attempt to control mosquitoes. This fish is known to feed on tadpoles and frog eggs and poses a great threat to frog populations. Cane Toad The Cane Toad was introduced to eat ...
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