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International Marine Mammal Project
International Marine Mammal Project
Earth Island Institute | Projects
| International Marine Mammal Project
Hydro Nova International Marine Mammal Project (IMMP) John Muir Project KIDS for the BAY Nature in the City Project Coyote The Red Panda Network Reef Protection International Rooted ... Volunteer Opportunities DONATE SIGN UP FOR e-UPDATES! Home › Programs › Projects International Marine Mammal Project Projects Earth Island Projects Project Support New Leaders Initiative Restoration Initiatives ...
SoundNet - Study reveals American perceptions of Marine Mammals
Most Americans (70%) favor restricting various activities within marine sanctuaries to protect marine mammals and other marine life. The Kellert Study indicates that marine ...
HBOI | Marine Mammal Research & Conservation
Conservation aspects of the program include marine mammal rescue and rehabilitation in Florida and international marine mammal outreach programs. The HBOI Marine Mammal Stranding Center provides temporary or long-term care for various marine mammal ... at least two abstracts at national or international marine mammal professional meetings and an annual formal presentation ...
Links to Other Marine Mammal Related Web Sites
WhaleNet is dedicated to interdisciplinary education. Our Goal is to foster excitement about learning and the environment." The International Marine Mammal Association Inc. (IMMA) "is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of marine mammals and their habitats worldwide ...
Marine Mammal Conservation & Education
Marine Mammal Conservation & Education Marine Mammal Conservation & Education ( (updated 4/21/05) International Marine Mammal Association "...dedicated to the conservation of marine mammals and their habitats worldwide, through research and education." Web ...
Earth Island Institute | Projects
| Reef Protection International
Network Hydro Nova International Marine Mammal Project (IMMP) John Muir Project KIDS for the BAY Nature in the City Project Coyote The Red Panda Network Reef Protection International Rooted in ... › Projects Reef Protection International Projects Earth Island Projects Project Support New Leaders Initiative Restoration Initiatives RPI educates the public about the marine aquarium trade and promotes ...
Marine Mammal Consulting Group, Inc
Marine Mammal Consulting Group, Inc The Marine Mammal Consulting Group (MMCG) MMCG is an independent consulting firm created in response to increased environmental ... contractors, Oceaneering International and Cal Dive International. Our Goal MMCG’s goal is to ensure that projects can be successfully completed in a cost-effective manner without significant impacts to marine wildlife. MMCG ...
IMATA: International Marine Animal Trainers' Association - Home
International Marine Animal Trainers' Association - Home IMATA - International Marine Animal Trainers Association Dedicated to advancing the humane care and handling of marine animals by fostering communication between professionals that serve marine ... to continue to contribute his enthusiasm and his passion for the marine mammal community by serving IMATA and its membership as President-Elect. ...
Marine Mammal Permits and Authorizations - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries
Overview of Marine Mammal Permits The Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) generally prohibits "take" of marine mammals in U.S. waters by any person and by U.S. citizens in international waters. NOAA Fisheries can authorize take for the following activities: Scientific research Enhancing the survival or recovery of a marine mammal species or stock Commercial ...
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