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International Coastal Cleanup - Redirect
International Coastal Cleanup - Redirect
The Oceanic Resource Foundation: Underwater Photography / Marine Conservation
NRDC, January 1998 Coastal Cleanup: Good and Bad The 11th Annual International Coastal Cleanup provided bittersweet results according to Roger E. McManus, president of the ... shoreline. The cleanup shows an appalling increase in land and marine based pollution, posing a danger to human health and to the health of the oceans. The coastal cleanup is the ...
Adopt Your Watershed | US EPA
They do this because they want to help protect ... to find out more about what you can do for watersheds: Watershed News International Coastal Cleanup National River Cleanup Week World Water Monitoring Day Wetlands Protection Information presented in the Adopt ...
IISG - Press Releases
Chesterton, an art fair, a South Shore tour and a beach cleanup. “The International Coastal Cleanup is the world’s oldest and largest volunteer effort to clean up our marine ... Congress in 1966, Sea Grant combines university, government, business and industry expertise to address coastal and Great Lakes needs. Funding is provided by the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), ...
Mississippi Coastal Cleanup
Coastal Cleanup, which is held each year on the third Saturday in September in conjunction with the International Coastal Cleanup. The mission of the Mississippi Coastal Cleanup ...
ITW Hi-Cone: Coastal Cleanup Data
ITW Hi-Cone: Coastal Cleanup Data International Coastal Cleanup Statistics Total Debris Collected, USA Only Source: The Ocean Conservancy Year 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Millions of Debris Items 3.0 4.3 5.2 4.6 7.3 5.6 4.0 3.7 5.8 5.7 4.1 3.4 3.7 4.2
ITW Hi-Cone: Coastal Cleanup Data
ITW Hi-Cone: Coastal Cleanup Data International Coastal Cleanup Statistics Actual Rings Collected Source: The Ocean Conservancy Year 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Rings Collected 35,090 34,722 34,492 28,017 26,294 23,394 19,509 14,500 19,997 15,141 14,004 15,857 14,919 20,987
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California Coastal Cleanup Day History
California Coastal Cleanup Day was first organized in 1985 by the California Coastal Commission, but the idea of a community-based cleanup event did not come from ... Coastal Cleanup in Texas, and in later years became the coordinating agency for the International Coastal Cleanup, helping to spread the concept to nations around the world. In 1993, California Coastal Cleanup Day ...
California Coastal Cleanup Day Sponsors
Coastal Cleanup Day, then sponsors are the backbone of the event. Lending strength and stability to the Coastal Cleanup Day Program, sponsors provide financial ... promotional campaign. In-Kind Sponsors The Ocean Conservancy continues to lead the International Coastal Cleanup, of which California Coastal Cleanup Day is a major component. Now entering its 21st year, the ...
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Endangered Species International
Participate in local beach, river or stream clean ups. Volunteer on the International Coastal Cleanup Day (next one: 01.01.2009). You can research online where the closest clean ups ... home town occur. Pick up whatever trash you can even on days other than the International Coastal Cleanup Day. Don’t be concerned with what people think of you. Instead be strong and ...
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