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Twisted Limbs in Kittens
Sophia's entire hind end was failing to ... correctable. Some twisted-limb kittens, like Sophia, would have had had gross deformities combined with internal abnormalities so that euthanasia is the only humane option. In October 2003, Rebecca Martin emailed about ...
When dwarf cats are encountered, X-rays, body scans and blood tests can be used to look for skeletal effects, internal abnormalities ... : Precocious-puberty condition (affects mostly females) typified by bone, endocrine, and skin abnormalities. Varies from lethal, through severe to benign and almost entirely asymptomatic. Metaphyseal ...
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Compassion Over Killing > Arsenic in Chicken
The animals Americans eat are so heavily infested with internal parasites that adding arsenic to the feed can result in a “stunning” increase in ... kidney, bladder, and prostate cancers. It can also cause neurological, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and immune system abnormalities. Diabetes has also been linked to arsenic exposure.[15] The feeding of arsenic to ...
Fish collected using poison rarely have visible abnormalities when delivered to the exporter’s holding facility. The damage is internal, and the first clue often arises three to six ...
Common gene therapy vector causes cancer as well as toxic shock
He was taken off life support on the fourth day. The autopsy revealed further abnormalities. The researchers had directed the gene therapy vector to the liver, but significant amounts of ... healthy mice, selected at random, were killed in order to study enzyme activities in the internal organs. The enzyme activities were high, and identical to other treated mice that were killed ...
Press Releases: IPEN (International POPs Elimination Network
In humans and wildlife, they are linked to reproductive abnormalities, neurological defects and some cancers. "These chemicals are the most dangerous and, because it can ... would like to cite a few examples. Hunters have noticed lesions and spots on the internal organs of the Caribou, as well as deformation in the antlers and a decrease in ...
About Cal/Ecotox
Development: Any aspect of prenatal or postnatal development of offspring. Adverse effects include abnormalities (terata), changed sex ratios and otherwise altered development and developmental rates. -Physiology: Any ... to amount of time over which study animals are subjected to treatments (e.g., internal exposure, or tissue residues, can continue beyond treatment period, but this period is ...
Ch. 5: Shelter, the Greatest Need - Nuclear War Survival Skills
The only frequently serious dangers are from (1) internal beta-radiation doses from fallout- contaminated food or drink, and (2) beta burns from fresh ... as a result of this, radioactive iodine was concentrated in their thyroid glands, and thyroid abnormalities developed years later. (There is a simple, very low-cost means of attaining almost complete ...
Primate Freedom Project
Suppression of Reproduction." For this a vivisector surgically implanted a catheter in his internal jugular vein which required repeated flushing and two re-suturings after the incision opened ... his death reads "… reluctant to prolong treatment of aged animal with multiple physical abnormalities" Many medical historians and researchers continue to question the scientific validity of biomedical ...
Say No To GMOs! - May 2005b
Britain developed abnormalities in blood and kidneys Rats fed on a diet rich in genetically modified corn developed abnormalities to internal organs and changes to their blood, ... significant differences they found [in the rat experiment]." Although Monsanto last night dismissed the abnormalities in rats as meaningless and due to chance, reflecting normal variations between rats, a ...