interest pleading

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Americans believe special-interest pleading to be pervasive in Washington, DC. Appropriations bills are larded with budget-busting boondoggles and interest group giveaways. Provisions to promote one interest or another ... alumnus Jonathan Adler sets the stage by documenting case after case of special-interest pleading in environmental law, from the machinations of the ethanol lobby to the erection ...

Chairman of the Trustees addresses European Parliament
My colleagues on the Trustees and I have read with interest the Radwan Report on our governance arrangements and the IASB’s work. As members ... body, the IASB. The IASB should be appropriately protected from particular national, sectoral or special interest pleading. The Trustees believe that the fundamental premise of the original Constitution remains sound. It ...

Equity Watch - Global Environmental Government Unit - Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
There are, of course, effects on the developing world, which the strategy explicitly intends ... by the multilateral regime of the Kyoto Protocol than under the Bush strategy. In the interest of all concerned, the US should be engaged in a constructive dialogue to return to ...

Humorous Speech Explains Green Economics
The rest of us would be waiting around to use the bathroom, pleading, urging, begging. It did no good. Andrew took long stretches of time in the bathroom ... a solution? Of course there is. It's a simple solution. To respect our common interest in our planet's resources, those who take or monopolize or pollute more than their ... - Section Reporter
The ALJ and DEP, below, relied upon the “exception” ... for resolution of claims during the mandatory presuit period without the necessity of a formal pleading order to validate a claim. Easement Providing Access to Navigable Waters Necessarily Conveys Associated ...

Environmental Studies Program 35th Anniversary Celebration
Riverkeeper up here in Oregon. I'm finding that that interest has become generational as daughter, who is going to ... Marc was not your average college professor. After a bit of pleading to allow a freshman into one of his upper division course, ... the years. Now, more than ten years later as a public-interest environmental attorney whenever I find myself getting frustrated with the legal ...

IMPACT Press: "OnStar: Protector of Children, Enslaver of Mankind" -- Summer '05
OnStar from the beginning, but only recently began airing commercials featuring children pleading to the public to buy GM vehicles equipped with the global tracking device. The advertisement ... corporation run by a syndicate of super-intelligent children. This explains the company's sudden interest in protecting children, and its blatant disdain for its adult workforce. By the end ...

Eco-building's New Mortar
In some ways, the new thinking is not startling, even in terms of self-interest. With fears of rolling blackouts, California dreaming for a time became the national nightmare, power ... -Zyberk and Jeff Speck, for example, has its points and its clarity but the special pleading of the well-publicized New Urbanist authors is obvious. For all their yea-saying on ...

McSpotlight: What's New?
McDonald's faces a damaging court case after a US public interest group accused the fast food giant of falling short of promises to remove artery clogging ... A company that runs a McDonalds restaurant in Canberra has been fined $40,000 after pleading guilty to an occupational health and safety breach. April 1st 2004 US approves 'Cheeseburger bill ...

ALBERT EINSTEIN - peace people
But America's people so far have not taken much interest in the great international problems, chief among which is disarmament. The ... do most of it from his desk. He wrote letters of pleading to people such as the Finnish minister of defence, law court ... , in short for the sacrifice of his personal welfare in the interest of the cultural welfare of his country....based on the assertion ...