inside the house

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Results 1 - 10 from 544 for inside the house in 0.389 sec.

ESB: The Cost of Exhaust-Only Ventilation
Air Tightness One way to express the air tightness of a house is air changes per hour, which is the number of times the amount of air inside the house changes in one hour. The air leakage in a house ...

ESB: Choose Glazing by the Numbers
Originally, low-e was intended to reduce heat loss by blocking heat radiating from objects inside the house. This is called far infrared energy. Scientists have devised new "selective" coatings that also help block solar heat streaming through the glazing. Solar heat ... More from this site

What's New in the World of Science:April 1996
In hurricanes, the fast-moving air over the roof of a house reduces the pressure in much the same way. The air inside the house then blows the ...

The Straw House Blog: Exterior Archives
So now all we have to clear is our electrical inspection. That is looking to be the biggest hurdle. The inspector was happy with all of the work Dad and I did inside the house he had issues with the off-grid system. His problem wasn't with the quality of the ...

Building our slipform stone house on Main Street: an ongoing journal of the building adventure, Part II.
For the very top level, it was easiest to move our scaffolding inside the house. We used a scrap panel for a ramp into the front door from the street, and wheelbarrowed the rocks and concrete right inside, where we were able to reach over the top of the ...

Building our slipform stone house on Main Street: an ongoing journal of the building adventure, Part IV.
The beadboard insulation shows the outline of the future stone wall. My daughters helped stucco the walls inside the house. Here we are using a basecoat of paint and plaster to adhere to the ... the meter box on the front of the building and ran electrical wires through conduit to the breaker box inside the house. The electrical work was over-sized and over-protected for a house that ... More from this site

Making a hedgehog hibernation house
The ventilation pipe should be covered with chicken wire inside the 'house' so that leaves and twigs cannot get inside. This file is available to download for free ...

Science Projects - Plants Help Keep a House Cool
Place plants between the lamp and one of the boxes so that the shadows cast by the plants cover most of the entire "house." Turn on the lamp. Measure the ...

energy efficient : conservation - "Save Money And The Environment With Energy Efficient Home Tips"
Remove and replace damaged caulk and weather stripping around your windows and doors. * Insulate windows by covering them inside ... ., dryers, ovens) in the morning and evening to reduce air conditioner use in the summer and to help heat the house in winter. 8. Open the drapes on sunny days to receive the sun’s heat ...

Cladding the front of the house - The Straw House Blog
We believed that sealing up the inside would be 'good enough' to get us through the first winter. We were wrong. The house was drafty and at times cold. At the very least we should have put up house ...

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