Results 1 - 6 from 6 for inoculated cells in 0.210 sec.
MDAG Case Study 9
T. ferrooxidans and accompanying uninoculated replicate cells (Figure 1). While the inoculated cells showed increased reaction rates for a few weeks after inoculation, the rates inevitably returned to the uninoculated rates. This probably meant that the inoculated cells ...
Froglog 48-2
The virus samples were resuspended in 1 ml of cell culture medium and inoculated onto EPC cell monolayers to test for viable virus. The bleach-soaked samples were first ... in place of the bleach to control for these manipulations. After ten days we scored inoculated cells for virus. Not surprisingly, simply spraying several million virions with a disinfectant was not very ...
Genetically Engineered Crops - A Threat to Soil Fertility?
These were all accomplished using artificially constructed vectors. 2. DNA released from dead cells (as well as live cells) is not readily broken down in the environment, nor in the gastroinstestinal ... microcosms, the presence of earthworms significantly enhanced gene transfer between spatially separated bacterial species inoculated into the soil (Daane, L.L., Molina, J.A.E. & Sadowsky, M.J., 1997). ...
UC IPM: UC Management Guidelines for Bacterial Canker on Tomato
(S. nigrum), and S. triflorum, are naturally infected. Pepper and eggplant can be successfully artificially inoculated, but they are probably not important in the epidemiology of the disease on tomato. ... direct-seeded fields but almost always goes unnoticed. Seed contamination with only a few bacterial cells, apparently below the level of detection, can result in relatively high numbers of infected ...
Sven Hedin: Plague in Seistan
The doctor is more exposed to danger ... the family, but sparing the man himself, who had previously been inoculated. Then they perceived that this treatment was the only preventive ... exact record of all the inoculated. My number was considerably over 400. Of all those who had been inoculated up to that time not ...
RTDF: About the LASAGNA™ Partnership
Lasagna(tm) has been completed. Final sampling is pending. Test cells were 10 feet in diameter and were installed in soil containing trichloroethylene (TCE). ... zone that was periodically flushed with methane to stimulate the methanotrophic bacteria that were inoculated into the treatment zone. These bacteria produce soluble methyl-monooxygenase, an enzyme that ...