Results 1 - 10 from 100 for initiate and maintain in 0.334 sec.
Rare Breeds Trust of Australia: Directors Positions and Roles
Initiate and maintain political contacts to further the objectives of the company Assist the Managing Director where necessary in promoting the company and its objectives in the farming and ... company Initiate and maintain communication with Australian and overseas agricultural associations and bodies Assist the Chairperson where necessary in promoting the company and its objectives in the farming and ...
CHCI - Frequently Asked Questions
Conversational research shows the chimpanzees initiate and maintain conversations in ways that are like humans. The chimpanzees can repair a conversation if there is misunderstanding. They will also sign to themselves when alone and ...
Carol Putnam - My Selves In The Mirror
I am left with my reflections and philosophical musings. Where lies the way to self- esteem, if not through self-awareness? How then does one initiate and maintain the implied relationship ... of pure awareness - this central core of my being - I can observe, direct and harmonize my mental, physical and emotional processes. From this place of pure awareness I can welcome home all ...
Dual-Dry Air Bar Technology - Air Bars, Drying Technology, Paper Handling Equipment MEGTEC Systems
Drying The thermal transfer characteristics of the Dual-Dry system provide exceptionally fast heat-up to initiate and maintain drying. The system is ideal for applications that require high heat transfer and ... a broad flotation operating envelope, allowing a wide range of stock weights, water coverages and web tensions. Superior Web Transport Dual-Dry has been optimized to give improved flotation ...
The Great Lakes Blueprint: Protect Water Levels and Flows
Research resources must also be directed toward understanding climate change impacts on levels and flows, and the cumulative impacts of takings and ...
Contracting Party or Contracting Parties concerned of pertinent details of plans to initiate, or make a change in, activities which can reasonably be expected to have ...
Graduate School of Arts and Social Sciences
Each School reserves the right to suspend or dismiss at any time any student who, in the opinion of School officials, does not achieve and maintain required ... program academic or professional standards, then the division in which the student is matriculated will initiate an intervention designed to assist the student, that may lead to an academic review ...
NAREA - Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association -
AAEA officers to ensure relevant and adequate professional programs and activities for ... can not complete the second year of their term. (To initiate the Committee, the President and President-Elect both shall appoint nine members; those appointed ...
"Energy resources and our future" - remarks by Admiral Hyman Rickover delivered in 1957 | Energy Bulletin
Europe to initiate transition from low-energy to high-energy consumption. For one thing, their ratio of land ... and highly trained men and women. This means that we must not delay building more schools, colleges, and playgrounds. It means that we must reconcile ourselves to continuing higher taxes to build up and maintain ...
Partnership and Business Development Division
It helps research institutions explore opportunities for new partnerships PBDD’s Mandate The mandate of the Partnership and Business Development Division (PBDD) is to initiate, build, and maintain key long-term relationships with donors and ...
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