inert ingredient

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Inert Ingredients Disclosure Campaign, Inerts, NCAP Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides
List of Inert Ingredients: EPA's web page, Inert Ingredients in Pesticide Products, provides a link to lists of inert ingredients. Selected NCAP materials on pesticide inert ingredients: ... EPA to Require Inert Ingredient Disclosure on Pesticide Labels. 1998. (News Release) New Report: Toxic Ingredients Hide as "Inerts" in Pesticides. 1998. (News Release) Pesticide Inert Ingredients Disclosure ...

Inert Ingredients Permitted in Pesticide Products | Office of Pesticide Programs | US EPA
If you identify what may be an error in any of these listings or have questions or comments, please contact the Inert Ingredient Assessment Branch (IIAB) at and provide specific information characterizing the problem. Non-Food Inert Ingredients (93pp, 431KB, PDF) - ...

Doctors and Environmentalists Demand Right to Know About Hidden Poisons in Pesticides
Alternatives to Pesticides, "these ingredients are neither chemically, biologically, or toxicologically inert and can be hazardous for human and environmental health." Important health problems caused by chemicals used as inert ingredients include cancer, genetic damage, and reduced fertility. For example, naphthalene is used as an inert ingredient in some pesticides. According ...

WELC (541) 485-2471 Groups Petition EPA to Require Inert Ingredient Disclosure on Pesticide Labels Eugene, Oregon -- Pointing to toxic, secret "inert" ingredients in pesticide products, a coalition of 180 organizations ... the EPA in which the agency had wrongfully withheld information on the identities of inert ingredients in six pesticide products. The court found that the identities of inerts are ... More from this site

Terms Beginning With "I"
Inert Ingredient: Pesticide components such as solvents, carriers, dispersants, and surfactants that are not active against target pests. Not all inert ingredients are innocuous. Inertial Separator: A ...

Pesticides and Health.
They include active ingredients (those intended to kill the target) and inert ingredients, which are often not "inert" at all. Pesticides can be absorbed through the skin, swallowed or inhaled. ... the pellets to a chemical company in Illinois, where it is used as the carrier "inert ingredient" for mosquito insecticides. Ironically, the original sludge was created as part of a water ...

Bacillus Thuringiensis
Foray 48B had a preexisting allergy to a carbohydrate that was present as an inert ingredient. Within 45 minutes of exposure, the woman suffered from joint pain and neurological symptoms. Because ... to Foray 48B had a preexisting allergy to a carbohydrate that was present as an inert ingredient. Within 45 minutes of exposure, the woman suffered from joint pain and neurological symptoms." EPA ...

Zip 100:Document 3
EPA Reg. No. 1021-1556 3.115% Inerts from active ingredient source EPA Reg. No. 1021-1619 0.100% Aqua-Permanone EPA Registration No. 4.32-796 Inert ... EPA Registration No. 655-587 Inert ingredients Escaid 110 (Exxsol D-80) Isopar M Vista LPA Solvent 529-66 Low Odor [other inert ingredient claimed confidential] Inerts from active ingredient sources: EPA Registration Nos ...

Green Living Now Web Store
In other words the synthetic chemical, sodium laureth sulfate, was the second largest ingredient used. Definitely not impressive. Sodium laureth sulfate, a synthetic detergent used in many products, may ... , the MSDS's aren't required to list all of the "inert" ingredients below a certain percentage. You should know that "inert" doesn't mean safe, and these inerts can make up ...

Environmental Commons: Relyea
Previous studies have determined that it is Roundup®'s surfactant (polyethoxylated tallowamine, or POEA, an "inert" ingredient added to make the herbicide penetrate plant leaves) and not the active herbicide (glyphosate) that ...

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